A lot of people don't really understand why the Thalmor banned Talos worship even when I feel as though they had a completely just cause to do so. When the Empire forcibly assimilated the Summerset Isles into their fold they also forced the Altmer to abandon their own Pantheon in favor of the Empire's. This also meant that eventually the Altmer were forced to recognize Talos as a God.
Why is this an issue? In Nord culture Talos is the embodiment of Shor, Shor is the Nord name for Lorkhan the Trickster. The Altmer absolutely loathe Lorkhan as he is responsible for the Sundering which the High Elves believe cut them off from the Spiritual realm. Most if not all High Elves view this as a tragic and terrible event.
So how can the Nords claim that they're so hard done by when in truth they did pretty much the same exact thing to the Thalmor? Just that instead of taking away a God they forced them to worship a new one which is pretty much the Altmer embodiment of the devil?