Black marsh was never taken over by the Men nor Mer, and during the Obylivion Crisis the Argonians united and flooded the gates with such fury that the Officers of Dagon had no choice but to close the gate for fear of being overrun. Then they took over Morrowind.
That has nothing to do with the Argonians, that's Black Marsh, the enviorment. If the Argonians lived in Elswyer, they'd be no more dangerous to go after than Khajiit.
The Argonians also didn't unite themselves, the Hist united you. Are you comfortable knowing that at any time a tree can take control of your mind?
Aside from this, the Argonians are just as racist as the Dunmer, if the Argonians had been in power before the Dunmer, they would no doubt have done the same thing the Dunmer did.
AND the Argonians decided to attempt to wipe out an entire race and drive them out of their home because of the actions of the nobles of Morrowind. The Argonians were never any use to anybody but their respective clans, they fought each other because of old blood feuds between clans, were never able to actually establish unity within Black Marsh without the HIst taking over their minds and bodies. The Dunmer actually put them to use, I don't condone slavery, but in this case it was hardly a bad thing.