Why do people not like blunt weapons

Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:01 am

no one used them in OB because they were so incredibly weak,
In Skyim i plan on using axes though, in the demo you can clearly see that the iron axe does more than the iron sword
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:56 pm

I like to think in past games the blunt weapon (the true ones at least IE warhammer/mace) Were typically associated with a healing class and thus not as appealing in the heroic sense of the world to the average gamer.
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:27 pm

I always picked blades in tes because there were always more unique blades then blunt like umbra, sword of whoe, mehrunes dagger, etc and the fact that there realy wasnt any difference in the weapons blades seemed more probable. But now with the perks so axes do bleeding damage or maces ignore armor. Im definatly using axes this time round.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:42 am

I have no real preference. In Oblivion, I mainly used blade weapons because there were more badass swords in the game than badass hammers.
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JD bernal
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:56 am

My favorite weapons are Longsword, Bow, Shortsword, Axe.

But I didn't have blunt on any of my characters in Oblivion so I never used the axe, now that they have removed classes I can use blunt tough, I can see myself dual wielding a longsword and an Axe or mace. Otherwise I can't see myself dual wielding, or using a shield. I'm a sword only person on my main character, on my other I will mix it up a bit tough. :teehee:
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:39 am

Not that I hate blunt weapons, I just prefer blades.
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anna ley
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:58 am

There has been a lot of threads and polls on what you will use in skyrim because we can dual wield and I have noticed that every time blunt weapons get the least amount of votes. I personally would way rather have a sword but I don't really have a reason, why do you guys like blades over blunt and if you like blunt more then why.

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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:04 am

I use blades for the assassin value. When I play warriors though, I'd use blunt since Bethesda has actually started to care about weapons other than swords.
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:42 am

Axes should get their own weapon catagory, because they are not blunt weapons, nor are the they a bladed weapon like a sword or dagger.

I prefer bladed weapons, especially swords, simply as a matter of style. Swords may not do the damage as an axe or blunt weapon, but they are fast and accurate. Most of their length is a bladed edge for cutting, and they have a point for stabbing.

if i were to use a blunt, it would be a mace.

i would like to see damage types in TES. for instance, slashing is easily resisted by all types of armor, but is still fairly quick. chopping works well against all types of armor but is slow. bludgeoning works well against heavy but not light. and piercing works well against light for not heavy. that would be a nice layer of depth to combat i believe.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:45 am

I generally never use blunt weapons in any game as traditionally they are very slow. They do great damage, but when you miss you have a lot of wasted time before your next swing.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:27 pm

i Dont actually mind blunt weapons, but in TES series it always seems like blade has more, and generally more useful unique weapons. add that to the fact that the slight damage increase over blade is greatly offset by the speed difference (in oblivion), and thats why I prefer blade over blunt in TES. in skyrim, the weapons have different feels (damage differences, perks, ect.), so I may experiment with other weapons, but from past games, my preference lies with blade.

if I were forced to pick a blunt weapon, it would always be an axe, mainly for aesthetics lol
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:26 am

There has been a lot of threads and polls on what you will use in skyrim because we can dual wield and I have noticed that every time blunt weapons get the least amount of votes. I personally would way rather have a sword but I don't really have a reason, why do you guys like blades over blunt and if you like blunt more then why.

I was thinking about it and I have no idea why an axe is a blunt weapon. It as a blade attached to a handle..that is not a blunt. Blunt weapons like a war hammer basically crush bones and what not. An axe would chop through someone so I have no idea why it is considered a blunt weapon...It makes absolutly no sense to me. Can someone explain that to me.

I was hoping bethesda does a lot more for blunt weapons in Skyrim considering it is a more barbaric culture which is where axes and blunt weapons would fit most.. Do you Agree?

The reason you will frequently see axes and warhammers/maces in the same category is because they are used in the same way. A blunt weapon and an axe are both used to batter in an opponents armor, literally crushing the metal in on the soft flesh underneath. While a battle-axe adds the functionality of an edge, the actual use of the object is identical.
Find armor, crush it in, hurt puny flesh underneath.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:48 am

I'm a weapon collector (hoarder) but when I purchase one I almost always lean toward swords. On topic, I wouldn't mind welding nunchakus, or sais. As a martial artist I'd like to see more eastern weapons. oh well, maybe tes 6 akivir

Both nunchaku and sais would be next to useless against an armored foe.
I guess you could at least include the sais as a special dagger-like weapon, as the damage output would be similar. Eastern invasion mod anyone?

Armor of the ninja? :P
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:25 am

I am all about the blunt weapons and one handed axes. Swords can be used beautifully used but I would rather smash! Can't wait to have an icy touch in one hand to slow'em down and then BAM across the face with a spiked mace. Hey that rhymes.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:58 am

I just want a throwing axe of somekind, with a slow drain health enchantment..... that would be so much fun, but until then I stick with swords.
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:28 am

Well I do not like your options at all.

Each weapon whould have its own skill set - I am down for the simplicity of this game but I should not be able to use a short sword like a long sword or an axe like a mace or a war hammer. These weapons are unique enough to provide a different name, so they should be unique enough to require different skills.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:36 am

i always use a 1 handed axe as my back up weapon if for some reason my arrows miss or i get detected. blunts and axes overall do more damage meaning if i where to sneak attack someone theres a better chance of them falling down dead than if i used some oversized kitchen knife.but over all i prefer bows keeps me at a safe distance meaning less of a chance any other people in the immediate vicinity will detect me outright when i kill one of there fellow bandits marauders or necromancers that and bows do alot of damage.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:53 pm

I like blade weapons. Blunt style strike me (no pun intended) as... barbaric. The main reason I never used the hammers in oblivion is because they were huge and unrealistic. I did sometimes use the axes, though they are technically blades.

The reason axes are classed as blunt is because they crush through bone rather than cut or slice. They can be maintained to do this however, by sharpening the edge. The head of an axe is usually a lot heavier than the blade of a sword as due to it crushing.

And I like a sword as much as the next guy, just there is something about bashing some made-up guys face in that appeals to me... ;)

In Oblivion the better weapons we usually swords, e.g. the akavari sunderblade etc.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:28 am

I am glad blades as well as axes will be available in Skyrim.

My shamaness will mostly use alchemy, magic, staves, daggers, axes and a bow.

Image could be one reason for the popularity of blades, perhaps if King Arthur had pulled an axe from the stone, and given it a cool name, perhaps the image of the axe would have been enhanced.

Also, sneak attacks with an axe just do not present the same visceral image as sneaking upon one's prey with a dagger.

However, it seems to me that in a Nord setting, for many character types, use of an axe would be appropriate.

Edit - There will be a variety of missions and foes in Skyrim. Use the right tool for the given task.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:25 am

Blunt weapons have their uses. "Theoretically" bladed weapons would be less effective against skeletons and hard bodied/stone solid monsters because there's nothing to "cut" off those creatures. It is in those situations where "smashing" makes more sense.

Blade weapons have reduced damage against skeletons while blunts have increased damage.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:40 am

maces are pretty awesome... why chop off a head when u can make it explode? One weapon I have never seen in a game though that I really want to see is a morning star... those are sweet...

I like flails. If there are flails in Skyrim, I will duel-wield them and descend upon mine enemies like a whirling dervish and hear the lamentations of the women...and hear the lamentations of the women!
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:50 am

I find maces, cudges and similar weapons appealing, although I don't use them so often in games thanks to their stats. But I like the brutal feel to them, as with axes (and axes tend to be my #1 choice, even though swords are close). And to add to defining morningstars, maces rely on blunt trauma while morningstars use spikes for penetration.
Edit: Always something..
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:39 am

I almost always use a sword or a bow or fists.

I would love to use an Axe this time around, because of the culture.
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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:35 am

I like flails. If there are flails in Skyrim, I will duel-wield them and descend upon mine enemies like a whirling dervish and hear the lamentations of the women...and hear the lamentations of the women!

Orsimer + flail = proper skull bashing. And you couldn't play as an Orc when flails were available. :unsure:

I remember first picking up an iron axe in OB's first dungeon. "Cool, let's see what this baby does. Ah, what it does is obscure half the screen. Back to blade weapons then."
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:29 pm

:flame: Feel da powah ov mah wars axe!!! :flame:

Axes should do a bit less base damage, but have higher armor penetration than blades and maces.

A mace should do more damage than a blade, but be slower.

A blade should be the "standard" weapon.
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