For all the intelligence RPG players claim to have, little was shown in this post

Axes are not bladed or blunt, they are a mix of both. The reason axes were invented was because light swords and even claymores were proven very ineffective against anything heavier than leather armament, but people still wanted a sharp edge that could cut through flesh. The axe brings in the effectiveness of bleeding your target with a blade and the crushing power of a third-rate lever that could bring forth much more force than a shortsword/longsword. In this sense, the axe was made with both elements of blunt and blade in mind. It wasn't some evil streamlining communist plot by Bethesda, and it wasn't because the "devs are lazy omg", its just sensible to add them to one category or the other, since there's little sense in creating an "axe" category when there are so few in the game. Besides, an axe resembles a blunt more than a blade - a bladed mace is essentially four (or more) small axe blades on the end of a handle.