Sadly, both the Fallout and Witcher series are in the same boat where sequels are concerned. Witcher 2 discarded the bulk of the series gameplay that mattered, and/or defined it.

*It also removed Geralt's stoic pragmatism. If you want to see the Witcher (or Fallout) as it is supposed to be, play version 1 of each. Witcher had three camera setups, and multiple sword styles designed for handling large groups, or powerful individuals. Geralt wore a bandolier of potion bottles, and could quaff them as needed, and as the situation changed; but always keeping watch over the toxicity and not drinking too many. With Witcher 2, the styles are gone, and only the over-shoulder cam remains... Geralt cannot handle himself in combat anymore and merely thrashes away like a madman; hitting whatever happens to be in front of him ~if anything.

Before Witcher 2, combat was a joy; in W2 & 3 combat was a chore. Witcher 2 did the same thing as FO4 has done with the dialog; you cannot know what Geralt will espouse. Once I was playing and he responded casually to some peasant with death threat, and combat commenced. Bar Fights were replaced with Quicktime events.

It's bad what they did... really bad IMO. Originally, Geralt could assess and take a potion that was sensible to the changing situation; but now Geralt must kneel in the mud before taking potions [and cannot do so in combat ~as per the whole point of the bandolier in Witcher 1], and he must now
guess at what may or may not be useful in the next surprise attack ~if one even comes.
*How were Warcraft 2 & 3 different? (I have them both installed, we should be able to understand each other on this one.)
*Dawn of War 2 ... As a sequel of the DoW series, this is how DoW2 should have been:
It's sad that it was prevented. One can only speculate that they were told to to fill some void or publisher demand instead. It would be sad indeed if they made the change of their own volition.
But would you accept the adventure gameplay of a TES themed under the brand name 'The Elder Scrolls VI', and as the official sequel to Skyrim? There is such a thing as the wrong kind of fun. (This is
precisely the situation Bethesda has created with FO3 & FO4.) So many score of members here say that gameplay doesn't matter, yet it is totally possible to skin ZUMA with TES lore, and if one takes their opinion at their word, then such a game would be seen by them as a true Elder Scrolls sequel.
*But I don't believe it. What I believe is that anything they personally prefer is what they would call a fine sequel... irrespective of the series in question. I can play a game and laud it as a sequel ~yet not like the game; same as I can like a game and cite it as a terrible sequel. Wasteland 2 is a terrible sequel to Wasteland [IMO], but a grand game, and would have made a decent sequel as "Fallout 3"; had it used the Fallout lore instead. It is the best 'Fallout' I've seen in 15 years ~despite having none of the lore.
TES games I've played seem to be decent sequels of the one that preceded each; (with Oblivion being a sour note that changed the intent for the franchise).
But Skyrim seems a reasonable sequel to Oblivion, and Bethesda fans know what to expect in an Elder Scrolls game. Unfortunately they know what to expect in a Fallout game too ~now; because they are essentially the same now. Anyone coming from Fallout 2 to FO3 is in for a rude awakening if they reasonably expected FO3:Fallout 2, the way others expect Skyrim:Oblivion; and what they get is FO3:Oblivion.
No one here is asking for, or expecting any changes whatsoever.

But the Power Armor change, (mentioned copiously in the forums over the years), was a welcome advent.