Some people fail to realize that a Todd Howard game isn't about graphics or even story.
Its the World.
Todd himself says it best during the Bethesda 2015 E3 Presentation:
"It all starts with an obsession with details. Our artists concept every button, every blinky light, not just on one terminal,
but on all of them. It is our belief, that its all these small details coming together that form a much, much larger whole."
And this isn't just marketing talk.
Who here remembers the teeny tiny little ants on the tree stumps in Skyrim?
Thats right. They go so far as to animate LITTLE ANTS in Skyrim, something that most gamers wouldn't give 2 hoots about when playing.
I'm not even gonna go into the discussion of how they even INVENT a whole new fictional language just for Skyrim.
That's how OBSESSIVE this man is.
THIS, is how you win Game of the Year Awards.
If this is your first time experiencing a Todd Howard game, welcome.
Sit back, relax, because you are not gonna wanna go back to the real world anytime soon.