I think its good, there are unique enemies that fight differently, like dragur use shouts and ebony weapons, falmer use poison weapons and ice magic, melee/archery is improved way more than oblivion and blah blah
I think its good, there are unique enemies that fight differently, like dragur use shouts and ebony weapons, falmer use poison weapons and ice magic, melee/archery is improved way more than oblivion and blah blah
It's a hell of a lot better than Oblivion or Morrowind's.
It's ok but it could be made better. There's a few mods for pc that make it a bit more complex but only for melee characters. Although I'm not sure how much you could actually do to make spell combat more complex besides the duel mod but even then it's just DBZ style back and forth power struggle. But there is a line between fun and to tedious.
Only thing missing is spears.
It's because there's no real dodging, parrying, or combo moves that add variety in style to sword play, and combat in general for that matter. I preferred Oblivion because of being able to dodge, but other than that, Skyrim is a bit better.
saying its better than Oblivion or Morrowind isn't much of a commendation in the first place, Morrowinds was lol wut even for its time and Oblivions IS skyrims combat but without dual wielding and blood streaks..
I dodge just fine in Skyrim. Its just not automatic, you actually have to move out of the way. This is my favorite game for combat and second favorite for the storytelling ( #1 on storytelling goes to Bio Wares-Star Wars the Old Republic [MMO], Mass Effect 1-3 and Dragon Age 2) If the players character had voice dialogue then I'd say Skyrim was #1 all the way as that was its only major flaw (though some multiplyer wouldn't have hurt either).
And Skyrim is Oblivion's combat without dodging moves (granted by the Acrobatics skill).
Exactly! I miss my fluidity in combat so much, not to mention Oblivion's movement was faster in general. In Skyrim I feel like my character is so sluggish.