For one...Crysis water "appears" better because it is clean island water. NYC Water isn't clean...but on close anolysis, in both games, you can see through the water, there are real time reflections and refraction. In a small square area, Crysis 2 water actually has more vertices and tesselation than Crysis water, in..every square meter. Crysis 1 water didn't have more visual "features".
Aside from that, the water physics in Crysis 2 are far superior:
[*] When you shoot the water in Crysis 2, you see nice volumetric ripples form that act naturally and bend around other objects.
[*]The same thing happens when you jump in the Crysis 2 water. Amazing ripple physics.
[*]But in Crysis 1 when you did either, you saw this weird 2D ripple leaving a fake 2D foam behind it.
[*]There are water currents in Crysis 2 Water. In one of the missions there was a crashed boat that was leaking oil. The oil flowed in the direction of the current and your motion actually affected the path of the oil. This would NOT happen in Crysis 1.
Just because island water looks cleaner because its on an island, doesn't make it better looking water graphically. Both systems of water are realistic to their environments and support the same features.
Also two things:
[*]If you're going to base your opinion of the water from what you saw in Pier 17 in the MP Demo...your post is baseless. The Pier 17 Water is not "water". It's water covered in a vast layer of spilled oil...which is why you see the rainbow effect and no waves.
[*]If you're going to troll saying I'm an idiot because I said the water used "tesselation" when the game doesn't use DirectX're an idiot and you don't know what you;re talking about. CryEngine 2 and 3 both use levels of tesselation to create waves in the water giving it the natural appearance. It's not the same as DX11 geometry tesselation, but that's what its called.