Give you the dialog from 1 server. Don't screenshooted it cause fraps were off and I don't have policy to fraps everything that I have seen.
In main role I and some player (p):
P: !@#%$!# unit shotgun user !
I: Cause I killed you?
P: No cause you are using shotgun @#$!!@ !@#!
I: And what's with it you can also use it, your level allows you
P: Shut up you !#$!##@ shotgun user.
Maybe I missed some details, but dialogue were like that mostly.
I using shotgun only on some maps, and in some cases. But that guy showed his "Individuality". So...I have nothing to say for his attitude...and say that this dialogue gave me only a smile =)
Don't know what shotgunners did to him. But I'm sure that if it wasn't been shotgun, then he will yell at some other weapon that I used

You are a smartass honestly.
Now, about replying.
Marshall 1 shots people. Remember that.
Assault class is the most straightforward and popular class. People dont see any other classes (correlation). So for them you are a person from another planet which is playing unfair tactics. Is it good or bad? For you - no problem. But for crytek - that is a problem. Marshall should take 2 hits to kill.
FY translates to **** You. Heh, surprised you there, huh?
Shotgun players are usually bad players with a good combination. Just as the Fy is the nub weapon of choice. The shotgun is the best for people who want to pwn at short range.
And as one person said - Marshall - fine. Marshall+cloak=gamebreaker.
As for the gauss - this thing needs penetration. For instance to make it cause 60% damage trough walls. (3 shots=1 kill).
CGCD - go to your room and think about what you said. You are a mockery to this thread. Thanks.