I just think everyone should have DO NOT CROSS line in their head. Even when it comes to fantasy.
I mean if a game gave you an opportunity to [censored] your mom (in-game) would you do it? Would you complain that you didn't even have the option?
I'm sorry, I just don't have faith in humanity. People who casually justify their fantasies as "it's just a game" is troubling. If someone is rationalizing murdering kids for RP or immersion reasons thats...disturbing, IMO.
I'm just surprised that so many players want the option.
And killing advlts and just about anything else in the game is not disturbing at all? Right?
Right guys?
I mean you can kill, main and murder as well as frame advlts and animals, but one small human would be really bad and crossing the special line.
What does who a character chooses to have intimate relations with in a game have to do with real life.
Let me let you in on a little secret. I play games like GTA where you shoot people, and games like fallout and TES where you stab and smash people to death.
I own in real life a functional sword and many guns.
I have killed exactly zero things with my guns and my sword, and one squirrel with my truck. (that I still feel bad about to this day)
Doing something in game for a normal person who has no mental illness will not cause them to do it in real life.
because you can't do it in the real world. I an't just go around killing everyone I don't like in the real world, so if I hate someone in a game, I recognize that I have the ability to kill them with no real consequences, so I do.
Make sense?
No, not at all.
If you don't like killing kids, don't. The fact that the choice has been removed in a game whose strength is supposed to be choice is pretty lame.
I also love how the OP seems fine with the rest of the wholesale slaughter that takes place in the game. Won't someone think of the poor children (read: attention [censored] parents)!
This, so much this.
It's funny how all these people who say "it's just a game" turn their tail and run for the first rock, so they can throw it at people who mention sixuality in games.
Hey, who you bed is none of my business and I support anyone's right to do it with any other advlt who wants that.
I must be among the rarest on earth.
A gun owning atheist, who has no desire to harm anyone or anything, and supports gay's and the freedom to/from religion as well as speech and RTBA.