Why do people want to kill so much especially kids?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:10 pm

Not locked yet?
I r amazed.

I think every NPC should be mortal.
Take that as you will.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:35 am

I don't see what's so bad about killing children
if you can kill man, woman and beast why not children
they can be just as, or even more annoying/evil/worth killing as any1 else in the game
killing is kind of a big part of the game
don't see why any1 should be excluded

tell me what makes killing a child in a videogame so much worse than killing it's parents for instance?
every1 acts like somehow it's inherently wrong or something
there's even a kid asking you to kill his teacher via some satanic like ritual
he deserves to die just as much as some of the other people I killed in the game
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Rex Help
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:04 am

Biggest problem I see is immortal witnesses. Say you are playing through the Dark Brotherhood quest line, assassination is your job. Then say you are carrying out an assassination and some kid just happens to witness it despite your best attempts at going unnoticed.

You now have a witness you can do nothing about.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:36 am

I always thought the reason people wanted to kill kids was because the game let's you do whatever you want. That's the appeal of the elder scrolls. I understand why you can't kill kids(but I don't understand why people want to). I mean if you could kill kids(still don't know why you would) then Fox News would come out of nowhere and say some stupid **** about the game that is not true because they are evil. I mean really, they are evil.

That's my point: why does one even want the option?

As to the question of me not having a problem with killing advlts, as I said in the OP I don't understand the desire to kill random NPC's either.

Someone said that it's about having the choice to play as a serial killer...I've never fantasized about being a serial killer so maybe that's why I don't get it.

Back to the advlts, if you attack me you made a decision that might cost you your life. Because you're an insomniac eight y.o. and caught me stealing six gold, an iron dagger and some bread from your house...isn't a reason to die. I got caught, try again another day or go kill some deserving bandits. Kill the kid?

tell me what makes killing a child in a videogame so much worse than killing it's parents for instance?

The parents actually can arm themselves and attack you. The kids?

I heard a bandit say, "...kids not mine...she was lying" and then I killed him. Sorry kid your dad was a bandit. That's what happens to bandits, that's a lesson not to be a bandit. It's not like you find child druagr's or kiddie bandits.

That's why, IMO, wanting to kill a kid in Skyrim is "so much worse than killing it's parents."

Furthermore, if you want realism very few burglars want to get a murder charge. There're decades of difference between B&E (breaking and entering) and Home Invasion/kidnap/murder. If you're seeking realism/immersion why risk the charge unless you're a sociopath?

That's what I'm questioning. If you're solution to "a child saw me break in a house" is to kill the kid...lol...sheesh...even in a game world.

Who really want's to be that bad?
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:17 pm

Because of the realism factor. Everyone should be mortal in their mind. Immortality svcks in RPGs, unless you have a Revive spell.

Think about that the next time you load a save after dying. I just love the realism argument. Guess gamers think there is only room in the universe for one immortal being and that is them. How do people realist ever get over the total break in immersion after dying and reloading a save.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:29 pm

Because when a small child claims we're licking their fathers boots, it ignites our inner desire for genocide.

Then we just wait for the mods to let us.
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:15 am

I noticed certain NPC's are immortal just because they have a quest pending, which I think it BS, if I kill someone with a pending quest I just fail it and I can do other things. Kind of like in Dead Rising, you can even fail the main storyline but are still able to do other things in the game. EVERYTHING in this game that lives should be able to die reguardless of quests pending or because they are children. I should even be able to kill trees and other plants just because they are living things too. But anyway what I'm saying is it would be a more immersive world that is truly dependent on your choice rather than a guideline of what you can and cannot do.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:52 am

It's not that I want to kill the kids, or even that I would if it were possible. It's just that I don't like having unkillable people, be they advlt or child.
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:47 am

Think about that the next time you load a save after dying. I just love the realism argument. Guess gamers think there is only room in the universe for one immortal being and that is them. How do people realist ever get over the total break in immersion after dying and reloading a save.

There's a difference. It must be too difficult to see from your horse.
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:42 pm

I just read a post of someone complaining about not being able to kill more NPC's.

Earlier I saw a YouTube video of someone complaining they couldn't kill a kid (who witnessed them stealing) and a comment said that mods would change this.

Another video I saw the commentator killed the chicken in Riverwood and said, '...I know you all have thought about killing the chickens.' I thought to myself - I haven't.

With as many things trying to kill you in the game naturally why do people want to kill kids, chickens and run of the mill NPC's? Especially the kids. How in any way would the ability to kill kids improve the game?

Personally if I even momentarily fantasized about killing a child, even in a game, I'd be worried as hell. Seriously.

The only NPC I've thought about killing, actually did it but reloaded so it was like it didn't happen, was that annoying (bleep) of a Talos preacher in Whiterun. That was after I read some information concerning the doubts about Tiber Septim's divinity and discovering the Sturmabteilung...I mean Stormcloaks...were racist (bleep)'s his sermon became more annoying every time I passed him.

Also there's the fact that I'm a Dunmer and I had visited Windhelm.

Kids and chickens? Never even a flicker of interest.

My question is why do people freak out and instinctively think the worst of others when they are ignorant of the reasoning behind their actions? Not being able to kill some people who witness you stealing means that there are invincible NPC's that you can't make "disappear" to avoid a bounty. They put children in the game, and all they are doing is killing more immersion then they are creating.
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:49 pm

And besides, if you sneak into someones house, and kill the family. But the child see's you, and your face, do you just let him/her live?

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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:44 am

I just think everyone should have DO NOT CROSS line in their head. Even when it comes to fantasy.

I mean if a game gave you an opportunity to [censored] your mom (in-game) would you do it? Would you complain that you didn't even have the option?

I'm sorry, I just don't have faith in humanity. People who casually justify their fantasies as "it's just a game" is troubling. If someone is rationalizing murdering kids for RP or immersion reasons thats...disturbing, IMO.

I'm just surprised that so many players want the option.

And killing advlts and just about anything else in the game is not disturbing at all? Right?
Right guys?
I mean you can kill, main and murder as well as frame advlts and animals, but one small human would be really bad and crossing the special line.

What does who a character chooses to have intimate relations with in a game have to do with real life.

Let me let you in on a little secret. I play games like GTA where you shoot people, and games like fallout and TES where you stab and smash people to death.

I own in real life a functional sword and many guns.
I have killed exactly zero things with my guns and my sword, and one squirrel with my truck. (that I still feel bad about to this day)
Doing something in game for a normal person who has no mental illness will not cause them to do it in real life.

because you can't do it in the real world. I an't just go around killing everyone I don't like in the real world, so if I hate someone in a game, I recognize that I have the ability to kill them with no real consequences, so I do.

Make sense?

No, not at all.

If you don't like killing kids, don't. The fact that the choice has been removed in a game whose strength is supposed to be choice is pretty lame.

I also love how the OP seems fine with the rest of the wholesale slaughter that takes place in the game. Won't someone think of the poor children (read: attention [censored] parents)!

This, so much this.

It's funny how all these people who say "it's just a game" turn their tail and run for the first rock, so they can throw it at people who mention sixuality in games.

Hey, who you bed is none of my business and I support anyone's right to do it with any other advlt who wants that.

I must be among the rarest on earth.
A gun owning atheist, who has no desire to harm anyone or anything, and supports gay's and the freedom to/from religion as well as speech and RTBA.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:32 am

Think about that the next time you load a save after dying. I just love the realism argument. Guess gamers think there is only room in the universe for one immortal being and that is them. How do people realist ever get over the total break in immersion after dying and reloading a save.

That is stellar logic: Because video games will never be exactly like real life there should be no effort to make video games more realistic.

Immersion is the point of an RPG. How does the simple concept of role playing so easily elude some people?
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:55 am

Have you ever watched a child die? I have. Twice.

The first time I was 8, it was my best friend, she had an asthma attack and suffocated, it was her 10th birthday. The other was when we were 15, she had a fit during a science class, never woke up. I never want to see a kid die again, and would never ever try and hurt one. I'm an advlt now, and I love kids, I have young family members who I adore, and I'm actually trying for a baby right now. I used to baby-sit kids and they all loved me. Basically, I like kids, kids are good.

I still smashed that annoying little sh!t living in dragonsreach round the head with a mace though. It's just a game, it's not real. The characters are not real, game is not real, the actions are not real. I've seen the death of a child for real, and it's pretty laughable that people think you can actually compare that horrible experience with a few meaningless pixels on a screen. It's not the same in any way. There is no true morality in a game, as there are no true consequences for your actions.

Ttl;dr - What you do in a game means nothing in real life.
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Eibe Novy
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:23 pm

I just think everyone should have DO NOT CROSS line in their head. Even when it comes to fantasy.

I mean if a game gave you an opportunity to [censored] your mom (in-game) would you do it? Would you complain that you didn't even have the option?

I'm sorry, I just don't have faith in humanity. People who casually justify their fantasies as "it's just a game" is troubling. If someone is rationalizing murdering kids for RP or immersion reasons thats...disturbing, IMO.

I'm just surprised that so many players want the option.

If it's such a kind of a game and if i had chosen to play it yes i would complain. Your argument is silly.

I find it disturbing and hypocritical to think that murdering any living thing or other humans is ok, while murdering children is not. You should think about it and resolve these issues. Murdering anything is NOT ok, though you can do it in most of the games for the sake of gaming. If you really think murdering is not ok then make a thread about making every helpless npc immune to damage and making only bad guys like bandits killable. That's how it is in fairy tails too.

Also i find it disturbing, that you see RP as a way of making people's sick fantasies true.

Plus what the guy above said. It's just some pixels. "Killing" some pixels is different than killing in real life. I would not for example wish to hurt anyone in real life because they would actually be hurt - there would be an impact on a person that exists. However in games i do hurt people because no real person is influenced by that.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:53 pm

Think about that the next time you load a save after dying. I just love the realism argument. Guess gamers think there is only room in the universe for one immortal being and that is them. How do people realist ever get over the total break in immersion after dying and reloading a save.

I reload after dying because I don't like having to lose everything I worked for hours to get. If there was a way to keep playing after dying, even with lesser stats or being sent to another plane of existence and having to escape, I would never reload after dying again.
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:39 am

Personally it ruins the immersion for me when there's an immortal little brat making sny comments towards me for no real reason. I can't seem to understand their role in the game. I suppose they're supposed to add to the atmosphere because it seems weird that there would be an entire world full of people with no kids but there's not much interaction that can occur with the kids anyways, plus the whole immorality thing.

What exactly is the reason that kids cannot be killed anyways? Because it's immoral? That's funny because if I so please I can kill a man's family, steal all his possessions and replace his food on his dinner table with human flesh, and human hearts. An orc tried to sell me skooma and moon-pies the other day. So I killed him, took his "goods" and tossed his river in the body. I thought it was the socially acceptable and moral thing to do.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:02 pm

There's a difference. It must be too difficult to see from your horse.

Must be, I thought it was funny and actually an objective point about the hypocrisy in the realism argument. Could you explain.

For the record, I do not think the developers should of put them in the game, much less kill them. I see no entertainment value and in fact see no value it brings to the game.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:08 am

I kill whoever I want because I realize that it's just a game and doesn't mean anything at the end of the day.

The way you act in-game is not some mirror image of your real world morals, not at all.
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:02 pm

That is stellar logic: Because video games will never be exactly like real life there should be no effort to make video games more realistic.

Immersion is the point of an RPG. How does the simple concept of role playing so easily elude some people?

I understand that and agree with you. But does realism and immersion have to stretch to killing kids? Does the game have to be that real? If it does, then my argument stands about you dying and reloading from a save. Not everything has to be realistic such as killing kids and loading from a previous save.

Besides that, how realistic it to kill a kid in any setting under any circumstances for the purpose of entertainment?
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:58 am

I understand that and agree with you. But does realism and immersion have to stretch to killing kids? Does the game have to be that real? If it does, then my argument stands about you dying and reloading from a save. Not everything has to be realistic such as killing kids and loading from a previous save.

We're already killing everything else, I don't see being able to harm kids as such a huge leap.
I think not having kids in the game period would be better towards the immersion than having immortal kids.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:06 am

The original Fallout games allowed child killing. They are still sold in retail stores everywhere. They are not rated advlt Only. There are consequences for killing children in the games. Why does Fallout 3 and NV not allow killing children? Because Bethesda wants to sell their product to the widest demographic possible and allowing child killing would diminish their customer base. If it weren't for the monies they would do what they felt fits the settings... oh well.

BTW, Little Lamplight was the only section of a game that has ever caused me to rage. Not only did the area not make any sense, invincible children who insult you and be generally annoying with no explanation how they fit in the world other than just to get in the player's way while trying to do the main quest is bad design. I never cared about killing children until I played Fallout 3... BGS why did you have to do that to Fallout? WHYYYYYY!!!!!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:30 am

Because It's a Video Game. And It's fun. There is nothing morally wrong with killing people in a video game, I have never bin compelled to harm anyone because of what I did in a video game. And if you are one of those people you should seek some help, because it's not the video games fault, it's because something is up that you need to resolve. But a game is a game, you constantly destroy random people you don't know in a FPS, kids to advlts. Not much difference other then you can get to know these NPCs. But still, you have to realize it is all fake.

Any problems that come in relation to video game murder and real life murder is because that person lost touch with reality and literally can't tell the difference. Same thing can happen with a book, TV, etc. That's why irresponsible people shouldn't be playing to many video games.

(I'm not saying you said anything about this, but this is usually the general argument about killing people in a game).

If it's just a boredom factor with you through, everyone has different interests. Some people Role play a murdering psychopath, some just want to kill as many things as possible for no reason and some don't want to kill random NPCs. I do a little of all. I just made a new character that is a hunter, So I'll be going around killing tons of Animals, and making my money off food, hide and Ivory :P
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:58 am

I understand that and agree with you. But does realism and immersion have to stretch to killing kids? Does the game have to be that real? If it does, then my argument stands about you dying and reloading from a save. Not everything has to be realistic such as killing kids and loading from a previous save.

Thinking that (virtually) killing anything or anyone except kids is ok, is disturbing by itself.

Any problems that come in relation to video game murder and real life murder is because that person lost touch with reality and literally can't tell the difference. Same thing can happen with a book, TV, etc. That's why irresponsible people shouldn't be playing to many video games.

Very true.
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:42 am

The original Fallout games allowed child killing. They are still sold in retail stores everywhere. They are not rated advlt Only. There are consequences for killing children in the games. Why does Fallout 3 and NV not allow killing children? Because Bethesda wants to sell their product to the widest demographic possible and allowing child killing would diminish their customer base. If it weren't for the monies they would do what they felt fits the settings... oh well.

BTW, Little Lamplight was the only section of a game that has ever caused me to rage. Not only did the area not make any sense, invincible children who insult you and be generally annoying with no explanation how they fit in the world other than just to get in the player's way while trying to do the main quest is bad design. I never cared about killing children until I played Fallout 3... BGS why did you have to do that to Fallout? WHYYYYYY!!!!!

What was better, the implied sixuality among the kids.
But that was ok apparently.
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