Earlier I saw a YouTube video of someone complaining they couldn't kill a kid (who witnessed them stealing) and a comment said that mods would change this.
Another video I saw the commentator killed the chicken in Riverwood and said, '...I know you all have thought about killing the chickens.' I thought to myself - I haven't.
With as many things trying to kill you in the game naturally why do people want to kill kids, chickens and run of the mill NPC's? Especially the kids. How in any way would the ability to kill kids improve the game?
Personally if I even momentarily fantasized about killing a child, even in a game, I'd be worried as hell. Seriously.
The only NPC I've thought about killing, actually did it but reloaded so it was like it didn't happen, was that annoying (bleep) of a Talos preacher in Whiterun. That was after I read some information concerning the doubts about Tiber Septim's divinity and discovering the
Also there's the fact that I'm a Dunmer and I had visited Windhelm.
Kids and chickens? Never even a flicker of interest.