» Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:00 am
Info is continuously all over google search results that the PS3 version is somehow aesthetically 'better' than the Xbox version, and that everything is great etc etc etc. The problem is, not releasing a beta or even a single player demo will probably lose potential customers to companies that did.
Take Killzone 3, most of us have played it.. and most of us probably liked it as well. If Crysis 2 had a beta out it would have been competitive, but now alot of potential FPS loving customers have gotten hooked on the KZ3 beta and are unlikely to buy another game so close to KZ3's release.
I like the look of Crysis 2 on the Xbox, as does everybody here who is complaining about there being no beta. However, by not releasing the demo, alot of customers are losing faith.
Also, on a related note, by not giving PS3 players a beta, they will be the only community out of the three platforms that is unable to comment or give feedback on the game, resulting in any changes possibly being completely against PS3 users' wishes