» Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:46 pm
seriously why no ps3 demo??? well ill tell u why because PS3 and Xbox 360 svck for fps's. i dont know who even introduced fps on consoles it was a dumb thing to do. If u want to play this game play it on PC and stop crying. Yes im a console hater and im a proud console hater because consoles are dumb money stealing piece of . PC is and always will be superior to consoles. peace out
On another thread here I was told that PC gamers like buying whole new rigs when a new game comes out.
No, you were told that SOME PC gamers like upgrading their rigs when a new game comes out. Granted, the guy did use the term "many", but that's hardly correct. Only extreme graphics enthusiasts (i.e. graphics whores) do that.