» Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:28 am
Crytek has made a mistake that have released demo for Xbox 360 first and after long time there will be PC demo, but there's no information about PS3.They had to release a multiplatform demo on the same date.They are only promoting their pre-order of Crysis, but how will players know if the game is worth buying ? They think that everyone is able to spend 60$ whenever he wants ? I think that they've made a Xbox demo, because it is the only console with payed multiplayer, so Crytek will receive some money from it, but after too many posts about PC and PS3 demo they've made a PC demo, to keep the fans.Only console withouth demo is PS3.I know that many of you will say now "who cares, when the PC will have demo ?" , but have you think, that many people have spent already money for PS3 and now they cannot renovate their PCs, or they just do not understand from PCs, or just have got 3D TVs and no 3D PC screen (like me for example lol) ? The demo should be on all platforms.Then everyone will try it, buy it, if he likes it, report bugs before the game is released and everyone will be happy.Now the only people who will buy the game for PS3 will be those who have played Crysis 1 and saw what can Cryengine 2 do and have a hope that Cryengine 3 will have even better results.
i can feel with you :p i just pre-ordered kz3 collector ed and crysis 2 limited ed, but they gived xbox the demo first to see if xbox can handle it some people say crysis for xbox is crap but they could make for ps 3 to because they got 3 dev's so they could have made the ps3 demo at the same time of the pc demo but well i think they will respond and make one maybe 10days before release or 1day before release and about money i'm 15 so i can only work on the 2months vacation and the money i earn is not only for games it will be for when i'm 18 that i can pay car insurence (buy a car of course),... some people will say i exaggerate because i'm only 15 but i'm thinking about my future now.