I made a video, it's must easier to show. Basically it's like my shadows are failing to overlap and the distance is a little wonky. I've tried tampering with
I made a video, it's must easier to show. Basically it's like my shadows are failing to overlap and the distance is a little wonky. I've tried tampering with
Hey i get something a little like this although it is slightly different. its like the really close shadow draw distance for the high quality shadows is like 5-8ft in front of my character so i see a line where the bad shadows meet the high res ones and during movement it becomes terribly obvious all the time. not to mention im on a skylake 6600k with 980ti asus strix 6GB and 16GB ddr4 corsair vengeance ram... hardly my rig is not able to handle this game tbh yet the draw distance for shadows is an absolute brain driller. id love to know how to tweak the right settings to get the draw distance of near shadows to be a lot further away. its the only real setting i want to tweak till i cant notice the LOD
Yeah man I hear you. I have a Phenom 2 1090T 6 cores at like 3.20 Ghz, EVGA GTX 750 Ti, 12 GB of DDR Ram and I still can't run this game that well. My CPU is a little on the weak side. Wish I could just disable shadows entirely but I can't find an answer. At this point I'm just trying to compromise but I need to get rid of those lines., It's a little distracting.