All types of weapons are useful in different situations, as others have said but single shot weapons are more weight/dmg efficient in hardcoe and high-end ones effective in very hard difficulty and/or DLCs. Personally I always carry a semi-auto pistol (Lil' Devil or Joshua's pistol), a Riot Shotgun(one of my two mainly used weapons, it is great on it's own right but with the right perks it goes to eleven. Medium-ish to close range only of course), a sniper rifle(either Hunting Rifle/Panciencia or Christine's COS Rifle. Primary main weapon) and lastly an assault rifle type(assault carbine or with PN an Infiltrator). I also carry a knife(combat or bowie for later game stages, very high dps) or a katana(when not gone in the Divide yet. Again, high dps), when I don't think an enemy or enemies deserve spending bullets on.
My built is highly focused on sneak(primarily) and normal critical dmg, both outside and in VATS, with guns. With this choice of weapons(The sniper rifle specifically) I managed to beat couriers mile without chems(other than rad-x/radaway), not one scratch and, other than one or two lucky bastards, everything got one shotted. I don't remember if it was Hard or Very Hard though.

So every weapon type has it's benefits, but damn if semi-autos/lever-action ones don't deal [censored] load of damage!