» Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:11 am
If only Bethesda would allow us to tweak the engines...I know all about the not wanting other companies to dig through their builds, but it seems to me that with the new Creation Engine they're touting that their Gamebryo engines might just be far enough back that it would be allowable.
Or maybe they should just put a disclaimer saying "all information contained herein is to be used for modding purposes only, and under no circumstances can any code or part of this engine be used for commercial purposes". Legally, that would stop anyone from being able to use their code in another game, without fear of being sued by a major game company.
Imagine the fun we could have! Implementing vehicles, better FPS elements, integrated weather, fixing rain-through-roof syndrome (Morrowind did it!), and all other sorts of goodies! I have a feeling it wouldn't just revitalize the Fallout 3 boards, it would explode from having too many people.