Mr. House acts like he has good intentions and he's this amazing guy, but he's pathetic, he can't live without machines, he speaks only though a computer, and he is an egomaniac who kills people who dare try to enter New Vegas. And he's going to use his new killbots to further advance his brutal dictatorship.
Caesar is just a psycho and his society is just evil with all the slavery and crucifixion. Against technology but he has this medical machine near his bed. hypocrite...
Haven't met President Kimball yet but the NCR are a bunch of bureaucratic, corrupt losers, they act like they're good but they have no problem destroying cities or killing loads of civilians. And I'm sure dissent isn't tolerated in the NCR so it is probably still very much a dictatorship. Caesar alluded to this when discussing Tandi and her long reign. NCR just makes the appearance of democracy.
I'm glad they added a fourth option for myself so I didn't have to choose any of these clowns.