Just breezed through the game on Post-Human in a little over 4hrs and basically what a complete and utter joke.
What's with the hand holding of GO THIS WAY FOR STEALTH or HERE IS A TURRET YOU CAN MOW DOWN THE MINDLESS HORDES OF AI. Speaking of the AI they're like autistic and omnipotent at the same time. Run around the corner crouch and turn off cloak half the damn ai in the vicinity go on the alert. Run through a whole way butchering people one by one and they're none the wiser. It's a complete 180 from Crysis one where there might have been a few flaws here and there but the AI was deadly and very efficient. Here it just feels like Call of Duty without the nonstop respawns till you reach point X.
Also did the Nanosuit2 make you some kind of omnipotent god who can see enemies through walls and tell you the serial number on some random weapon 50yds a way through a concrete wall? You're basically the Predator except with none of the fun eviscerating or spine ripping out. In fact it's just outright boring to play most time. There's no cat and mouse factor with the AI or dodging patrols. And even if you do get into a firefight Armor mode lets you stand in enemy fire for a huge amount of time while you drop them with impunity.
There's hardly any exploration/alternative routes you can take and if there are there's a giant yellow octagon in the middle of your visor saying GO HERE IDIOT
I'd have some comments about multiplayer but apparently this log in is invalid. So thanks Crytek for taking my 60$ and giving me a 4hr corridor shooter that's a mediocre console port.