For sometime now I've been thinking about why Skyrim isn't that exciting after a few hours, especially in comparison to previous titles.
The Quests:
The entire problem with Skyrim is the quest choice. Take the individual guilds for example, the Champions Guild, the College of Winterhold, the Thieves and the Dark brotherhood. All these guilds have quests that are extremely forgettable and the lines are actually very short.
One of the biggest problems with the quests is that they seem to have no effect on the world. It's as if the inhabitants of Skyrim are absolutely stupid and don't have any interest in any event. The final Dark Brotherhood quest was an absolute anti-climix once you completed it, ok, you killed the Emperor, but his guards were weak and his ship was barley defended, and then if you assassinated him, it's as if no one cared... because nothing changed.
The College of Winterhold quests could see a melee user become Arch-mage in a matter of hours without using many spells, the quest line was completely forgettable and short, and again, once you became Arch-mage, no one cared and they still treated you as if you were some trainee mage. The Champions Guild quests were again, forgettable and nothing really happened. They were much shorter than the Fighters Guild quests and much less exciting. The Thieves Guild quests weren't interesting at all, and compared to the quests of Oblivion where you had to steal an Elder Scroll... the quests weren't that thrilling in Skyrim.
I think the problem with the guild quests is that no one outside the guilds cared about what happened, moreover, the events only seemed to concern the guild and no one else. This really made the entire story for each guild become rather mundane and less thrilling.
But lets look at the main quest line...
Again, no one cared apart from the main characters. We're supposed to fear the dragons but they're easy to defeat and unlike the Oblivion crisis where cities were destroyed and huge gates were spawning invading demons, emperors assassinated, the Imperial City under siege... Skyrim's main quest line wasn't at all thrilling and I didn't feel attached to many characters.
Of course Skyrim had a few good quests, but even the Civil War quest line was boring. I didn't really care who won or lost because nothing happened after the completion to make me want to care. There was even a glitch where the fallen Ulfric would always remain there in his captured palace.
I feel that the map of Skyrim, whilst incredibly detailed, is a lot less interesting than Oblivion's. Oblivion had one huge city that had so much going on and lots of different people. It had different districts. But Skyrim has no main city and I think all games need a center point of interest. But even then, the other cities had so much character too them and the buildings felt a lot nicer.
I feel as if the cities in Oblivion had more character and purpose to them.
This is of course a few reasons why Skyrim is rather boring at times, i'm sure there are many more reasons. But Skyrim also had many technical problems as well which ruined the experience of an RPG. Did any of you experience this?