Why slow animals?

Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:06 am

While it does not change the end result much, most deer do not hit 40MPH. The deer I've seen in oblivion are more along the small white tailed deer type who hit 30MPH as their max speed. In the long haul a human wont keep up, but over short distances there is a decent chance a human might beat them. Assuming deer accelerate roughly the same speed as horses.(which could be totally erroneous, but I've never seen any tests on deer acceleration) At least I think I remember a race from my youth where someone outraced a horse in I think it was the 100 yard dash, the issue was humans reach top speed almost immediately horses don't.

How deer move in the game looks pretty much how they move around here, though I haven't chased one since I was a kid so maybe it looks vastly different when running in fear. The animals never came across as slow to me, people just came across as fast once they got the attributes up a bit.

This is a deer in Oblivion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsCHSXqNsxM The guy says it's not running away, but it clearly is, since he's still not sneaking, so it can detect him.

This is a real deer, running for fun, unless there's something I can'tsee frightenign it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WskPDhUJ_Ho I can't find any right now, but I've seen video before, think it was in a nature documentary, which had deer running much faster as well.
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 4:02 am

Bull Freaken Horse Sh--
He meant if the deer had two broken front legs.
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:23 am

This is a deer in Oblivion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsCHSXqNsxM The guy says it's not running away, but it clearly is, since he's still not sneaking, so it can detect him.

This is a real deer, running for fun, unless there's something I can'tsee frightenign it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WskPDhUJ_Ho I can't find any right now, but I've seen video before, think it was in a nature documentary, which had deer running much faster as well.

He was invisible, but I don't think that changes anything. Deer run the same speed in oblivion under all conditions I think. But outside of that, it looked roughly the same as the real life video, it might be a bit more springy but the speeds seemed roughly the same. It might be a bit slower, but it did not seem significant to me. I'll admit I have crap observation skills though so I might be missing the disparity.
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:27 pm

When my Orc can jump 20 ft in the air and run 60 MPH while wearing heavy armor the game feels silly and boring. I do not mind being more powerful than any human could be, but being 10x more powerful is just stupid, especially when all the critters in the game are about equal to their real world counterparts. I would also like to see pack and herd animals traveling in groups... no more lone wolf BS.
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KIng James
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:04 am

I think it's pretty obvious that Bethesda is trying to make a realistic world + high fantasy elements. All things known to Earth should be like Earth, its the added elements that should be "unrealistic". Deer should be like real deer, running humans should be like real running humans.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 4:36 am

I always found it funny how in OB that you could catch up to a deer and punch it to death. How do you think animals in skyrim should be handled compared to oblivion?

Jumping in late, none the less..

I think we are actually going to see Slower gameplay in a respect, yet fast in others. From the trailer video what I found especially telling was the scene in which the Archer targets the Wolf/Dog, who runs to the left and turns towards the player as he draws a bow - that animal was not Fast at all, in fact I found him to be running slower than OB animals. Again same thing with the skeleton scene in which the skeletal warrior makes a spell jesture with his axe at the player - again not fast BUT, the weapon swing animations do seem to run at full speed. It's almost as if the player is moving at full speed but the NPCs were not.

I may be seeing things, but I after watching the trailer 1703874198307419837409817713874 times (+/- 108374108374013), I even began to see the townies walking about/moving slower than I remember in OB. This however could be deceptive, or just my neurons running at 4 times speed over excitement about the game (very possible). All in all though the player animations seem to run nice and fast, but the animals/NPCs were not.

I honestly think it's too soon to say for sure, but this is what I saw..
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Amanda savory
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Post » Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:07 pm

I think it's pretty obvious that Bethesda is trying to make a realistic world + high fantasy elements. All things known to Earth should be like Earth, its the added elements that should be "unrealistic". Deer should be like real deer, running humans should be like real running humans.

Yup. agreed.
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:20 pm

Jumping in late, none the less..

I think we are actually going to see Slower gameplay in a respect, yet fast in others. From the trailer video what I found especially telling was the scene in which the Archer targets the Wolf/Dog, who runs to the left and turns towards the player as he draws a bow - that animal was not Fast at all, in fact I found him to be running slower than OB animals. Again same thing with the skeleton scene in which the skeletal warrior makes a spell jesture with his axe at the player - again not fast BUT, the weapon swing animations do seem to run at full speed. It's almost as if the player is moving at full speed but the NPCs were not.

I may be seeing things, but I after watching the trailer 1703874198307419837409817713874 times (+/- 108374108374013), I even began to see the townies walking about/moving slower than I remember in OB. This however could be deceptive, or just my neurons running at 4 times speed over excitement about the game (very possible). All in all though the player animations seem to run nice and fast, but the animals/NPCs were not.

I honestly think it's too soon to say for sure, but this is what I saw..

Thanks for the excuse to watch the trailer again. And yes you are right everything outside of attacks seemed to be moving slower than oblivion. Not sure if that is how it will be or is, or if it is some dramatic slow mo for a trailer or whatever. But it did look a bit slower.
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:00 am

Thanks for the excuse to watch the trailer again. And yes you are right everything outside of attacks seemed to be moving slower than oblivion. Not sure if that is how it will be or is, or if it is some dramatic slow mo for a trailer or whatever. But it did look a bit slower.

Cool, I'm not totally and completely insane (I think?). :)

Your right too, it could be reduced speed for the trailer... really hard to say at this point, but I Don't think we will see the same speed/flow as we saw in OB or Fo3.
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:50 am

He was invisible, but I don't think that changes anything. Deer run the same speed in oblivion under all conditions I think. But outside of that, it looked roughly the same as the real life video, it might be a bit more springy but the speeds seemed roughly the same. It might be a bit slower, but it did not seem significant to me. I'll admit I have crap observation skills though so I might be missing the disparity.

The deer in the real life video definitely looked a bit faster to me. I know he was invisible, but without sneaking, they would still make noise, and it was clear from the path it was taking that the deer was trying to escape. And yes, they do move the same regardless, but I just mentioned that it was escaping in case someone said "No, it's just moving normally, obviously it's faster when fleeing" or something.
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KIng James
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:54 am

Being faster than animals is a great plus when I'm the hunted. Or have horse as an evasion technique.
Too fast animals make them look pretty bad when FPS is suffering.
Too fast animals in FONV (cazadores) makes them impossible to hit outside VATS (again due FPS).

However deer and some other animals should have increase smelling, triggering their escape mechanism from further away just to add to the thrill of the hunt itself, which is now too easy. Or even better, add wind to the equation, bringing tactics to the hunt.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:37 am

They are there for you to kill and nothing more. "All they do is chew grass,until something kills them"

A sad life indeed...
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Kara Payne
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:20 pm

Calling bs on your story Pyro.

You must be either really un-intimidating or have very slow deer.


Either that was three-legged deer with balance disorder or Pyro is the fastest man on the planet.
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:10 am

Or he is Khajit?

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Josh Lozier
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:27 am

I'm pretty sure they made animals slow so that characters with no ranged skill could still manage to kill them. I mean, if you were an axe wielder and needed to aquire some venison, you wouldn't have much luck if you couldn't catch them. In short, they made them slow because people would complain if they didn't.

On the other hand, real life deer aren't really all that fast. On level ground in a straight line, I can outrun deer in real life (though they can turn much faster and jump higher so I haven't caught one yet), though certainly not if the deer had a significant start. Deer are nimble and they run efficiently, allowing them to travel at speed for longer than humans (or this human at any rate), but they are not necessarily faster.

The deer you were chassing was just playing with you i think........Just out of interest did it keep stopping turn its head to you and stick out its tongue at you until you were close and then start running again while it waggled its butt at you :)

I think deer can run at around 20-30 mph so i think you are talking Deer...............no that should be bull.
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:18 pm

Reindeer 32.00 mph / 51.4 kmh
White-tailed deer 30.00 mph / 48.2 kmh
Human 27.89 mph / 44.8 kmh
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:24 am

that slow canine in the trailer bothered me too. i hope they slowed him down but the bow drawing didnt seem slow to me.

also, in OB i think a mod could be made that gave animals different speeds depending on whether the were being chased, just travelling or whatever. could be more trouble than its worth though
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james tait
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:10 am

They should be faster. On a side note, I was hunting with a friend of mine and his dad and my friend missed while shooting an arrow at a deer and the deer started running away and his dad popped out from behind a tree and tackled the deer into another tree and stabbed it to death. It was the most bad-ass thing ever haha
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:02 am

if you want to hunt deer then you have to either have magic skill or archery skill.......if your a pure melee character then you are out of luck and that is how it should be. it would be nice if bethesda implemented traps that you could lay down at spawn points and you could come back later on and find deer or other wildlife caught in them.

as for run speed..............it was ridiculously over the top in oblivion just like the insanely stupid swim speed. i ended up slowing both of them down and it made a huge improvement. people do not run 40 mph at a sprint much less a constant run. thats just stupid.
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:02 pm

I hope we get to see another crazy elf lady chasing deer.
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:32 am

Exactly. How is an Orc wearing a suit of steel armour and wielding a massive warhammer supposed to catch an animal if it's running 40 mph?

hide in da bushes and when it comes by attack than ya get fresh meat :laugh:
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An Lor
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:57 pm

More believable animals = more reasons to play ranger type characters by posing a challenge in hunting and really gives it the value and appreciation it deserves.
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Rob Smith
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Post » Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:02 am

I always found it funny how in OB that you could catch up to a deer and punch it to death. How do you think animals in skyrim should be handled compared to oblivion?

Punching deer to death is something that made me laugh to my tears every time I did it. XD
Still, that feat should be possible in my opinion even in Skyrim, but only in case you maxed out everything that gives you movement speed and probably even use some items that will further improve your speed in order to catch up to a deer and punch him in his face.
The point is, only the fastest of the fastest should be able to do that.
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