» Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:13 pm
It s difficulty level that maks skyrim more fun, master level is a blast
The ONLY problem oblivion had was not scaling in terms of ultra hard enemies
Players LOVE a good challenge
The problem was that bandits all dressed in daedric armor broke the immersion
Try to justify it by yourself, it makes no sense
However I dont know if the bandits in skyrim dress up in exquisite plate armor
discussed to death
there is more in skyrim magic than meet the eyes
you need to experiment to become a believer
and dont forget those took longer to develop
so if provinces dlc become a reality
each privince could get a college, and they may have unique magic
finaly there is the issue of exploitable spells
personaly, surprisingly I didnt miss old magic or even spellmaking
spellmaking especialy always felt out of place
the npcs dont use it
so we are a god walking among fools
It s boring
The skyrim experience is better, especially on master
you meet a mage, he might roast you, freeze you, disintegrate you
he s more than a match for you
this is good
(Enemies still level with you only now they are locked into a level list )
not really
it looks more like daggerfall
some are presets and will trash you early on
(The magic system in Oblivion puts Skyrim to shame)
I had a good laught reading that
I ve played tes games since arena and daggerfall way back
(Radiant AI/Quests. How many times is chopping wood exciting?)
thats not a radiant quest, not really
it s more like a job offer
usefull in master level when you are totally broke
however the real usefulness of those dialogues is waking you up !!!
you may have missed the firewood upgrading bows for example
or maybe you didnt notice cooking,
especialy vegetable soup and elsewyr fondue
and then there is the mysterious potage le magnifique
it teach you to pay attention
and to realize
you should definitively not be selling those things !!!
wheat !! did you really sell weat !!! I hope you are not as dumb as you look !!!
yes I am quoting a npc from winterhold college
yes I do mean he s giving you a hint
and yes that black briar girl is screwing you up offering to buy 20 nirnroots
because they do not respawn (which she tells you to see if you are as dumb as you look)
(Then there is the skill system and perks.)
( The perks are neat but the game relies on them FAR to much.)
( It is a constant reminder you're playing a video game and only serves to make the whole experience a bit arcadey.)
what !!!
did you drink too much skooma again ....
its the onne thing that define classes
thought personaly I disagree how it was done
and that it limit your character
but I love that your character gain power slowly, and that the perks are the keys of it
the perks ARE the real skills
as the wife of the alchemist said in riften
she mix potions but she is no alchemist
she dont have the perks
she cannot build the strongest potions
the ones requiring the purity perk
what I would have done differently ....
require trainer service to gain the perk
put the strongest perks on hidden, possibly random master trainers
hidden in the world inside crazy dungeons
or tied to insane quests
you want to be an alchemist, you have to work at it
and you would be accompanied by a fellow
that verify you clear that dungeon as an alchemist - illusionist - priest - ehatever skill you are working on
if you do the whole thing swordfighting you dont desserve the perk
with such an approach they could have allowed all perks
because they would be hard to get
and I would have removed the current trainer concept
if the player want a skill, he works at it, period,
no more freeby
(Also, upon release everyone was at least able to play Oblivion without to much hassle. Skyrims release has been one of the worst ones this year next to Dead Island)
not really
90% of skyrim issues were drivers and windows 7 related
there was also a big impact of hackers releasing all sorts of mallware claiming them to be patches
or recommending all sorts of weird thing
resulting in some users melting their hardware
if you used the recommended settings, and eventually got all your drivers, it eventually all worked out
in fact, the hardest hit were those with the newest hardware
it pretty much cooled down after a while
I know for me it was an audio driver, for another guy it was a background app conflicting
a lot of the stories are like that
(You must also consider the very lack luster graphics Skyrim has in comparison to other modern releases. We've an Oblivion 2.0 engine with slightly polished graphics.)
really, how long did you play the game
have you done red eagle redoubt and seen the view there
there is no comparison between the two game
... if you got the lattest hardware...
now there are some models and textures to fix because they relied a lot on anisotropic filtering
and in some cities the wall look better 3 feet away than near you
looks like a mistake in selecting the mipmap
(So, after all this, why is it exactly do people feel Skyrim is greater than Oblivion? I'd like to see what others see as I cannot fathom it. )
because I get pawned by a spider while harvesting flowers in the marsh
because it got the best scenery
because markath is so gorgeous
because dragons are fun to fight
because you can follow a thalmor patrol and see them attack a bandit stronghold (thats radiant ai, it seems you havent seen it)
because you can follow a stormcloack patrol you spotted to whiterun and stop them from killing a farmer
because you can desecrate a daedric shrine and fight the dark brotherhood assassin they paid and the thugs they hired
because you can explore the biggest dwemer ruin ever built (under markath, beyond the big spider)
because it got some exterior castles you can storm
because you can use wall of frost, the craziest spell ever created and use it 50 different ways
because the winterhold college feel like the first meaningfull mageguild
(and you do feel like you are helping them in their experiments)
because even a level 252 cheated character can still be trashed
oh, and because of the beards !!!
and the cute ladies !!!