Why exactly do some people think Oblivion is a weaker title than Skyrim? What exactly makes it so?
I can understand that Skyrim still has that new-game smell and is still shiny however I still cannot understand the why's. Skyrim is by far the worst and weakest of the series and here are a few reasons and comparisons why...
Level scalling. This gets brought up a lot as if it were an Ace in Skyrims hand. Sure Oblivion had terrible scalling that eventually made it so bandits were wearing full sets of Glass and Daedric Armor.
However Skyrims scalling is hardly much better. Enemies still level with you only now they are locked into a level list once you've entered the area so that if you return 10 levels later you'll stomp them. This sounds way better however really isn't any different than Oblivions scale, save those super hard enemies won't be EVERYWHERE. You will still find spawned encounters with enemies in full Ebony or Glass. Most enemies will use level appropriate weapons, this includes Ebony and Glass. Equipment found in the world suddenly changes from iron and steel to glass and ebony. Merchants suddenly start getting shipments of higher level items when you hit a certain level and if you've held off exploring an area until late game this is even more prevalent.
The only difference between Oblivions level scale and Skyrims is the locking and the bandits only using the high level weapons, not full armor.
The magic system in Oblivion puts Skyrim to shame. Yes, Skyrim has fantastic and beautiful effects however the cost of that is hundreds of spells plus spell making. Sure you could game the spell making system in Oblivion but you can do the same thing with Enchanting/Smithing/Alchemy as well. Magic was gimped massively in Skyrim and that alone puts the favor to Oblivion.
Radiant AI/Quests. How many times is chopping wood exciting? Or getting a random "go to x kill x" quest new? The AI system is still terrible in Skyrim. It's not been improved in the least over Oblivion. Radiant quests are nothing to get excited over.
Dragons and Dragon shouts are cool I'll give you that however, Dragon shouts are nothing more than fancy magic spells that were, mostly, in Oblivion as actual spells. Dragons are boss however that's for sure.
Then there is the skill system and perks. The perks are neat but the game relies on them FAR to much. It is a constant reminder you're playing a video game and only serves to make the whole experience a bit arcadey. Not to mention we lost every single stat, a myriad of skills and armour was further simplified.
Also, upon release everyone was at least able to play Oblivion without to much hassle. Skyrims release has been one of the worst ones this year next to Dead Island. Entire demographics couldn't even play the game without modding files (left handers) More couldn't play for more than a half hour without crashes (4 gig patch) and then an entire system has been a failscade with only a few people bug free (PS3) You must also consider the very lack luster graphics Skyrim has in comparison to other modern releases. We've an Oblivion 2.0 engine with slightly polished graphics.
So, after all this, why is it exactly do people feel Skyrim is greater than Oblivion? I'd like to see what others see as I cannot fathom it.