when i was an adventurer in morrowind, i made a 3 spells: jump 100 for 5 second, jump 100 for 3 second, jump 100 for 1 second. and i had a ring enchanted with levitation. so when i wanted to travel, i just casted the 3 spells, jumped, and then i flied to where i wanted to go. when i was flieing over the place, i used the enchanted ring. it stopped me mid air, then i started to fall. just before hittimg the ground i used the ring again. thus i arrived unharmed. with this brilliant idea, i revolutiomized space/alteration magic. i had such renown in the mages guild. they used to call me "the flier". but then, fate took a [censored] twist. red mountain errupted, the arragonians, who had primiive culture and always fought defensive guerilla wars defeated the dunmer, who had advanced magic and were the only ones who knew the secrets of ebony crafting. ...and then i took an arrow to the knee, and had to moove to skyrim. now i don't remember most of my spells and theese dumb nords don't even know many magic schools- mysticism for example. now the only destructive spells i know is minor,moderate and big flame/frost/ice.