Then the Argonians launch a large invasion into the Empire, cutting a bloody path through Cyrodiil and into Skyrim to secure the Sleeping Tree. Men and Mer alike are forced into slavery to build temples to their new scaly overlords.
Then the Argonians launch a large invasion into the Empire, cutting a bloody path through Cyrodiil and into Skyrim to secure the Sleeping Tree. Men and Mer alike are forced into slavery to build temples to their new scaly overlords.
Hlaalu would like to have a word with you, as would the other Nord farmers in Windhelm.
And the East Empire company is unaffected by the Empire:
I also doubt High Rock would stay if Skyrim manages to leave. Or that they'd be attacking Skyrim, since they didn't bother to during the war. The Dunmer in Morrowind also don't care about outlanders. You should know that.
LOL , paradigm arguing is fun isn't it? Hehe.
You mean that Nord farmer who can't farm, and her ideas would actually destroy the farm if it wasn't for her Dunmer worker?
Yeah, lets ask her.
Hlaalu is a dunmer, dude. And the point is they have those farms in the coldest frikkin place in Skyrim, so something tells me they'll be ok in that department.
Neither is Cyrodiil erupting in civil war. It isn't exactly out of the question on the available information we have. You know, no know heir and all of that shebang.
I know he is, you said the other Nord farmers in Windhelm would like a word.
Bolfrida: "Right, but if you plow the soil with fire salts..."
Faryl: "Then you've salted it and nothing will grow at all. Genius."
This farmer is always good.
I'd also like to remind people that the topic isn't about if Ulfric could succeed or not, but assuming that he would, wouldn't you want him to be king if it means more uniqueness for TES in general. Lets try and get back to the point and not start talking about how Ulfric's birth mark may offend Tamriel and cause everyone to gang on Skyrim.
And so one Nord farmer working for the dunmer and being wrong proves that Skyrim's crops everywhere will fail, got it. I forgot this one Nord farmer is an avatar for all Nord farmers in Skyrim, silly me.
The nit picking in this thread is disgusting.
And yet you persist on using such theories to illustrate a point for not going with the Stormcloaks. Don't you see the inherent flaw in that, especially if you're also going to accept the validity of just as bad, or even worse, outcomes for the side you implicitly argue for by arguing against the Stormcoaks in such a manner?
I hate to state this again, but this is very much like the point I made earlier. You cannot use this arguing without negating your own point or by appealing to special pleading.
Didn't the Akaviri Potentate last for a bit? Took like two hundred years before there was major issues I think, though my Second Era lore knowledge is lacking.
The Empire would suffer from this as well, so if they did so, it would be pretty stupid of them when they're trying to get ready for war and rebuild. They already lost yet another province in this scenario, and all they have left is High Rock. Pissing off their most important trading company isn't the brightest idea. USA has many others it can trade with. The Empire, not so much.
Didn't say that at all, thought it was comical. She isn't working for the Dunmer, the Dunmer works for her. Figured I'd correct that.
I thought nit picking was the way things went, Imperials pick this to attack. Stormcloaks go hunting for something to use like finding racist NPCs in Oblivion. It's all part of the game.
I don't think there is much to know. Only concrete thing I've seen is in the "History of the Fighters Guild", which states that the conflict starts when "the kingdoms reached new heights of rebellion". Not exactly giving grounds for the Empire being in a particularly good shape under the Potentates.
I was talking about Hlaalu, so I assumed you meant him. Whatever the case, you're again ignoring the point, which is they do farm in the cold. Your little joke is irrelevant.
He assumed power in 2E 1, the rebellions are mentioned in 2E 283 with declaring martial law. Then the Guilds Act (Mentioned in that book) was done in 2E 321.
So there could have been no issues for sometime.
It could, but we have no grounds for saying that either way. Only thing we can do is to make an inference based on the available information, which starts with the vassals from the Reman Dynasty not being particularly hopeful for the future(Last Year of the 1st Era series, last book) and ends with the martial law being put in place when the kingdoms go so far as to ignore the Empire's authority entirely.
Dude, Windhelm is in a constant state of harsh winter. And regardless, they can still get food from fish, horkers, and trade, since as I said, the Empire closing trade with a nation would be a bad move, both because they need said trade, and also because they shouldn't hurt relations and antagonize possible allies against a force just at their border that they can't defeat on their own.
Seriously though, I don't care about if people think they will fail. As I said, that isn't what the thread is about. It's about factors not in the game, but about where we think the story should go. Not yet another speculation throwing civil war argument.
Not at all, if you care to forget about Argonian slavery that went on in Morrowind which was followed by Argonians completely sacking and taking over a big chunk of Morrowind.