For one their whole meaning they stand behind makes no sense the empire was made by talos so therefor skyrim is originally the empirals home. The rebellion is all just a big ruse from the thalmar to break apart the empire so they can take over more easily. Some of you may know this allready but for those having trouble picking sides hope this helps!
of course it is !!!
didnt you noticed ALL stromcloak jarls have ELVEN advisors !!!!
I was laughting to death when I went upstairs in the palace of kings and saw this udying aldmeri wizard, advisor to ulfric.
I m not certain, but the imperial jarls seems to only have humans advisors, with maybe a few exception
But like Stentor in Solitude (bretin) Firesomething in whiterun (human) and so on
The thalmor are directly visible in those places, but sort of put away, put asside
if you meet imperial soldiers on the roads, they say the empire is keeping the dominion at bay
I think ulfric is a puppet, and the undying is the puppet master
and I think an expansion is coming
what I see
human + dunmer versus aldmer + bosmer
not sure where argonians and khajits stand