the empire is the bad side here, and your points are invalid as they are wrong
I dunno. He has a point. Ulfric is aiming to be High King because he wants to be High King, shove out the Thalmor and to push the empire from Skyrim, but the empire doesn't follow their traditions so he was branded a criminal after winning the challenge. He fought in the Great War, sure. But does this make him right, good, or just?
Hell no. It just makes his views ideal for the current event. Though those loyal to the empire(like me) are still reminiscing the Septim Dynasty, but those days are gone. It will be as it always has been. The Empire will sunder and heal, gain a new Emperor and a new Dynasty with its own enemies(Could be Hammerfell or High Rock some day). This is assuming the Dark Brotherhood doesn't bugger off the new Emperor like they did a long time ago. However, the Empire is right to defend Skyrim's loyal populace from Ulfric due to his arrogant, brash and stupid way of saying "You're either with me or against me". Not to forget I'd rather pay homage to an impoverished Emperor than be forced to fight for some brash snowback. XD