Exactly thats why it is sort of hard to argue all this.
because IF it is all available for free then the critics (myself included) are wrong. Other than saying Zenimax is screwing over who pay more for the CE. Regardless of how it all works out, SOMEONE is getting screwed over.
Thats the PROBLEM with this whole approach. At least when you cultivate the SUBSCRIPTION model. Subscriptions are supposed to even the playing field. Now while I think it sets bad precedent I can understand companies selling cosmetics skins for armor and mounts and all that. I dont love it but I can sort of live with it. But even that was really the first step into why we are were we are now and why we are getting on a steeper incline. because once you start to accept things you really shouldnt you allow them to continue to push the envelope.
The way I justify it, and it is based on some 'faith' (which at this point I have zero for in Zenimax) is that the company, developer, publishers, market people will put as much of that 'extra' money back into the game. Now again that might be naive but back in the day many companies did have this integrity. So it isnt unprecedented. But I cant pull one off the top of my head right now, other than maybe Trion but I also think they take money from their successful games (well one game) and use it to support their development of new games and support their bad games. But sinc etheyre not sub based now they dont fit. but they switched ot free to play BECAUSE they spent that money on other endeavors.
In the end stuff is getting bought and paid for either in a ;sneaky' way or in a blatant way, people can make up their own minds. Even the people who are defending what is being done say "I am paying more of course I should get more'. That makes the argument for the other side and they either dont understand or really just dont get it.
But because there are enough of them the people who wnat a true sub model dont have a chance.
The problem is there are so many issues going on we can argue them on multiple facets. But since there is almost zero verification we have to show every angle which it is bad.
But ultimately the simplest argument is a sub based game should take ANY question of what you can do or not do.