Ok, so ZOS announced the CE-edition yesterday and some people went "Yaaay!" and others went "Nooo!", and I'm gonna explain why it's bad (I'm one of the no-sayers).
It has nothing to do with money.
It's not about it being a paygate, p2w, them lying, not being able to afford it or even about the extra playable race.
So what is it about?
It's about them being ambiguous. If you don't know what it means or why it's bad then I suggest you look at politicians and how they get away with doing certain things (or simply wait untill you have experience enough to understand the fallacy).
This means that nothing they say can be trusted, it's all depending on how we as a crowd should percieve them. And from now on I personally will assume (based from this experience) that every announcement that can be interpreted in a terrible way I will assume it to be true in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Now we can put this behind us, stop the petty bickering about it being a paygate, p2w or if one can or can not afford it. It's just simply about ambiguity.
Thank you.