Why the difference?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:33 pm

GAME have a £15 pound difference between the console edition and the PC edition but why?
In the PC version you (probably going on past experience) get a construction set that you don't get in the console version and yet it is a lot cheaper.
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Angus Poole
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:21 pm

GAME have a £15 pound difference between the console edition and the PC edition but why?
In the PC version you (probably going on past experience) get a construction set that you don't get in the console version.

No idea man... I also would like to know, PCs have all the advantage over consoles but the games are still cheaper...
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Lori Joe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:50 am

console games are always more expensive than PC games. i've never quite gotten why, but.

also i'd take listed prices two days after the game is announced with a grain of salt.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:42 am

Theres a huge difference between them. The PC is always going to have better graphics, the ability to mod and easier to get patches for but the console can be played regardless where as the PC you need the right Vid Card. Also better controller for the console but I'm getting used to Oblivion on the PC so its a toss up. I guess I'd say its prefernce if you want to mod get the PC version. If you want to play with a controller get the PS3 or 360 version.
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:48 pm

That's a good question. However, I don't know why PC games are cheaper than Console games... :shrug:

Maybe someone else will know?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:05 pm

Console games are more expensive because developers have to pay something along the lines of commission on their sales of their games on the console. Its like a surcharge that Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo take for the priviledge of developing (and buying) games on their consoles.

No one company "owns" PC so no charges for developing on it.

At least as far as I am aware that is the reason for the price difference. Could be wrong.
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:22 pm

If you want to play with a controller get the PS3 or 360 version.

but the PC version will almost definitely be a games for windows title like pretty much every other multiplat game released in the last two years, meaning it'll have 360 controller support out of the box, and support for a myriad of other gamepads by proxy.

plus mods and better graphics

really the PC version is increasingly proving to be the definitive version of all of Bethesda's games, even if the UI is catered to low-res SDTVs.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:59 am

It's a Sony/Microsoft tax!

Long live PC gaming!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:58 pm

Unless something has changed recently games consoles are usually sold by the manufacturer at a loss, they force higher prices onto games with licence fees by the manufacturer (Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo) in order to make profits.

As the PC doesn't have these additional hidden fees the saving is past onto the consumer, with that said some companies have tried overcharging for their product on PC titles recently with inflated unjustifiable prices, it backfired.

What it all boils down to really is they want to milk you for all you have, they don't really need to have a valid reason to jack the prices up.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:57 pm

There's a few reasons. Probably the biggest is publishers have to pay console manufacturers licensing fees to release on their platform. Don't forget that for a very long time now consoles have been sold at a loss to the manufacturers - they want you to buy lots of games\DLC\online crap like avatars and wallpapers to make profits.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:00 am

But you also need the right vid card to play the game which could cost you 100+ for a good one.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:46 pm

It's because Microsoft and Sony want a slice of the pie too.
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:00 pm

Console games are more expensive because developers have to pay something along the lines of commission on their sales of their games on the console. Its like a surcharge that Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo take for the priviledge of developing (and buying) games on their consoles.

No one company "owns" PC so no charges for developing on it.

At least as far as I am aware that is the reason for the price difference. Could be wrong.

Exactly. I think it's funny websites are already placing the game on their website with a price tag and all.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:37 pm

But you also need the right vid card to play the game which could cost you 100+ for a good one.

But it works for all games, so it's not like your buying it for one game and that game only.

I'll take upgrading my PC over forking over an extra $10+/game. (The savings on 10 games will buy that $100 GPU.)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:11 am

These are place-holder prices. Nothing more. You can expect the PC version to jump in price when it is actually revealed. But as it is now, these are just the store's best guess in prices.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:15 am

This again?

Console games are more expensive because Sony and MS get a cut. In return, the consoles themselves are cheaper (actually so cheap that they are sold at a slight loss, which is covered only after you buy a few games and/or licensed peripherals).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:52 am

Personally I am kind of dissapointed that Skyrim is even going to end up on consoles. I would rather they just go all out and make it perfect on the PC rather than waste time with compatability with old hardware and porting. And this is coming from someone who would have to buy a new computer to run Skyrim, so please don't think I'm an eliteist or something. It's just my opinion that if they are going to waste time with a console port I would really prefer they go ala-Morrowind and make a good game first then shift it over onto a console as a goty edition.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:27 pm

Personally I am kind of dissapointed that Skyrim is even going to end up on consoles. I would rather they just go all out and make it perfect on the PC rather than waste time with compatability with old hardware and porting. And this is coming from someone who would have to buy a new computer to run Skyrim, so please don't think I'm an eliteist or something. It's just my opinion that if they are going to waste time with a console port I would really prefer they go ala-Morrowind and make a good game first then shift it over onto a console as a goty edition.

They are "wasting" their time with console versions because they realize that there is ALOT of money to be made there. Arguably more on them than on PC. Nevermind the fact that it is ALOT easier to make a game on a console because the hardware is static whereas on PC they have to go through tone of R&D to make sure it can run on the billions of different configurations of PC out in the wild.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:02 am

They are "wasting" their time with console versions because they realize that there is ALOT of money to be made there. Arguably more on them than on PC. Nevermind the fact that it is ALOT easier to make a game on a console because the hardware is static whereas on PC they have to go through tone of R&D to make sure it can run on the billions of different configurations of PC out in the wild.

I never said there wasn't money, and you never disproved the old hardware hurting the game, and the process of porting taking time away from the development of the game. I didn't mean to antagonize or provoke a responce it was just an opinion. You obviously took my post the wrong way and I apologize.
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:36 pm

While some people have said Microsoft and Sony want a slice of the pie, and there is no one for the PC market since everyones computer is different, don't forget Steam. Maybe in a few years time, once everyone is svckered into having Steam, their prices will just be as much as the consoles.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:08 pm

I never said there wasn't money, and you never disproved the old hardware hurting the game, and the process of porting taking time away from the development of the game. I didn't mean to antagonize or provoke a responce it was just an opinion. You obviously took my post the wrong way and I apologize.

If my post was taken as hostile I apologize for that, I was just making an observation.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:28 pm

While some people have said Microsoft and Sony want a slice of the pie, and there is no one for the PC market since everyones computer is different, don't forget Steam. Maybe in a few years time, once everyone is svckered into having Steam, their prices will just be as much as the consoles.

Keep in mind despite all the old valve talk about cutting out the middle man and saving the end user money they very simply lied, many countries outside the US are charged silly fees for products from steam which are very often significantly cheaper to purchase for delivery to home in time of release from any online retailer.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:38 am

Keep in mind despite all the old valve talk about cutting out the middle man and saving the end user money they very simply lied, many countries outside the US are charged silly fees for products from steam which are very often significantly cheaper to purchase for delivery to home in time of release from any online retailer.

Why is it that Civ V and New Vegas both cost $49.99 on Steam and the same in a Brick and Morter store? Where is the savings? No middle man but same price. So I guess everyone is a "svcker" becasue they should be saving money on Steam but is not.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:02 pm

No one has seemed to mentioned the obvious: Because they can.

Have any of you browsed your local GameStop, or Best Buy? Have you noticed how large each console section is, and how teeny tiny the PC section is?

There's a market for console gaming that isn't there for PC gaming. Uninformed individuals buy consoles for themselves or their children on a whim, without ever considering the "extras." Controllers, memory/HDD upgrades, DLC, games, online subscriptions. Console gamers shelve out more in a given year than PC gamers, and companies know this. Hopefully, as consoles are built more and more like mini-computers and the companies continue to nickel and dime you at every opportunity they see, (I remember an era when a console came with 2 controllers and a game. Now it comes with 1, and you still have to purchase a game to play it on.) people will start making informed decisions about console gaming vs. PC gaming. Gaming companies respond to reactions gamers make with their wallets, but only will people see a true decline in console game prices when the masses start realizing that console gaming isn't cheaper in the long run.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:06 pm

No one has seemed to mentioned the obvious: Because they can.

Have any of you browsed your local GameStop, or Best Buy? Have you noticed how large each console section is, and how teeny tiny the PC section is?

There's a market for console gaming that isn't there for PC gaming. Uninformed individuals buy consoles for themselves or their children on a whim, without ever considering the "extras." Controllers, memory/HDD upgrades, DLC, games, online subscriptions. Console gamers shelve out more in a given year than PC gamers, and companies know this. Hopefully, as consoles are built more and more like mini-computers and the companies continue to nickel and dime you at every opportunity they see, (I remember an era when a console came with 2 controllers and a game. Now it comes with 1, and you still have to purchase a game to play it on.) people will start making informed decisions about console gaming vs. PC gaming. Gaming companies respond to reactions gamers make with their wallets, but only will people see a true decline in console game prices when the masses start realizing that console gaming isn't cheaper in the long run.

I am both a PC gamer and a Console gamer. I can say hands down that over the time since Xbox 360's launch I have spent LESS money on it (this is including a single harddrive upgrade and Xbox Live since launch) than I have on my PC.
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