» Fri May 27, 2011 7:02 pm
No one has seemed to mentioned the obvious: Because they can.
Have any of you browsed your local GameStop, or Best Buy? Have you noticed how large each console section is, and how teeny tiny the PC section is?
There's a market for console gaming that isn't there for PC gaming. Uninformed individuals buy consoles for themselves or their children on a whim, without ever considering the "extras." Controllers, memory/HDD upgrades, DLC, games, online subscriptions. Console gamers shelve out more in a given year than PC gamers, and companies know this. Hopefully, as consoles are built more and more like mini-computers and the companies continue to nickel and dime you at every opportunity they see, (I remember an era when a console came with 2 controllers and a game. Now it comes with 1, and you still have to purchase a game to play it on.) people will start making informed decisions about console gaming vs. PC gaming. Gaming companies respond to reactions gamers make with their wallets, but only will people see a true decline in console game prices when the masses start realizing that console gaming isn't cheaper in the long run.