I am about to take over the Institute as Director. So why can't I tell Desdemona there's no need to kill all the scientists and loyal stunts to free a few independent spirits. And certainly no need to detonate a nuclear reactor in the heart of the Commonwealth! As soon as Father dies,I can free the synths with no bloodshed. I can ensure all future synths get free choice.
Or, maybe even more sensible, I can create only gen 2 synths from now on, work with humanity openly, provide technology to everyone, live in peace. The BoS would have no problem with robot gen2 helpers, it's only borderline Ai human replicants they object to. And there's really no reason the Institute have to make more of them. All four factions could live side by side.
Why, especially with a high CHA build, can't I say the darned obvious non-genocidal things??? Why am I forced into killing characters I've worked alongside and organisations whose goals are not necessarily incompatible?
Did no one at Bethesda ever play Mass Effect? I got the whole freakin Galaxy united there.
I love the game but frankly the scripting at the end is seven tonnes of DUMB.