why the hate on fallout 3.

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:58 pm

I liked FALLOUT 1, 2, and 3.

The third is definitely a more serious game in terms of tone. I disagree that it lacks humor, though. And although I really liked 1-2, what they did with 3 makes the game more immersive and replayable overall, at least for my tastes.

FO3 also thankfully DOES NOT break the 4th wall and lean on the "wink wink you're playing a game" humor that was overkill in FO2 (and FO1 to a lesser extent).

FO1-2 are great if you can imagine your way past the crude graphics, and I highly recommend them, but I am very satisfied with the direction that FO3 took.
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:44 am

Its not fair to say I hate fallout 3 just because I'm a fan of the originals. Thats like saying the people who liked terminator 1 and 2 hated terminator 3 just because they were fans of terminator 1 and 2.

I did say '"hate Fallout 3" section of the fanbase'. You're not in that section. ^_^ I know all original fans don't hate Fallout 3. Anyone who takes offense from my first post in this thread is a moron. lol That was the point of it.

A: For identifying themselves as the target of some flaming, when the description is so far-fetched you'd have to be a tard to recognise yourself there.
B: For hating a video game that has essentially put the franchise you like firmly on the map with an increasing demand for more in the series, which can oh so easily work its way back to the franchise's roots - only with all the modern trimmings - to become the dream game of the franchise. The dream Fallout game of a Fallout fan.

If anything, Fallout 3 needs props for doing that much regardless of whether or not you actually like it. Citing ancient gameplay in ancient games isn't exactly good criticism of a GOTY that's proven ridiculously popular, and that will no doubt inspire some meaty new releases in the setting. Those haters need their heads checking. :lol:
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:49 pm

It's time to close this thread. Just too much flamebait and flames going on.
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Darian Ennels
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