why the hate on fallout 3.

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:26 pm

OK i own all fallout except brotherhood of steel.

i played fallout 1 , 2 , 3 and tactic.

and i dont get why people hate fallout 3 that much.

lot of thread on this board are praising fallout 1 while insulting fallout 3.

i dont get it.

fallout 3 had a svcky story i know.

but you were in a 3D environment and able to explore the wasteland.

fallout 3 immersion was bigger in my opinion.

yes fallout 1-2 story were better but that doesn't make fallout 3 less canon or svcky.

well that my opinion.

what do you think?
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:22 pm

Because all the cool kids hate everything new?

Most anti-Fallout 3 people have played the series since 1997, or early 2000's, and their delusional ideals about a perfect game was built on those isometric rainy-day packs. When Fallout 3 came out, they were shocked by how it was different, and thus they started to hate it. It can't be just a coincidence that almost everyone who had not played the series before liked Fallout 3.

I played Fallouts 1 and 2 first, though bought them in 2008. They were cool and I still play them, but I don't personally think Fallout 3 was bad at all as a sequel.

And I don't think Fallout 3's story svcked. I really liked it. For once there was some actual character development (player and James), you could side with the bad guys, it made sense and had plot twisting.
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Naughty not Nice
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:39 am

Because all the cool kids hate everything new?

Most anti-Fallout 3 people have played the series since 1997, or early 2000's, and their delusional ideals about a perfect game was built on those isometric rainy-day packs. When Fallout 3 came out, they were shocked by how it was different, and thus they started to hate it. It can't be just a coincidence that almost everyone who had not played the series before liked Fallout 3.

I played Fallouts 1 and 2 first, though bought them in 2008. They were cool and I still play them, but I don't personally think Fallout 3 was bad at all as a sequel.

i think all of these game are fun.

im tired of both said elitist.

the fallout 3 elitist who think fallout 1-2 were ugly.
and the original fallout elitist who think fallout 3 is non-canon.
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:30 am

I think FO 3 is awesome, especially if you get the mod that makes all the dogs hump your leg, instead of tearing it off.
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:50 pm

Well, here's the thing. Fallout 3 is an amazing game, it's my favorite game ever actually. But Fallout "3" really isn't that much of a Fallout game. It lacked a lot of the stuff the first two games had. It lacks a lot of the humor and RPG elements the old games had, so much so that it's setting is the only thing that really makes it a Fallout game. Old fans of the series were initially happy at the prospect of a new Fallout game, and wanted it to be a true sequel. But it just wasn't, and that really pissed a lot of old fans off. If Bethesda didn't call it Fallout "3", and just a spin-off, I think a lot of fans wouldn't be as bitter as they are today. You don't see fans of the series hating on Fallout: BoS, but if it had called itself Fallout 3, it would have generated a lot more hate.

The old fans started to hate Fallout 3, and eventually the hate spread on the boards dedicated to the original Fallouts, and it became the in-thing to hate Fallout 3. You'll find people who hate the game just because everyone else does, and people who have never even played it because everyone around them hates it. There are a whole lot of people who have good, real reasons to hate it, but there are also a lot who hate it just because it's popular to hate it.

Here's what you have to do. You like Fallout 3? Good, but that's how you personally feel. There's probably some other videogame you hate, right? But there are other people who love that game just as much as you hate it. You shouldn't care that other people hate a game you like. If you see people hating it, so what, it doesn't change the way you feel about the game! The worst thing you can do is let all of the negative comments effect you. Do I get mad sometimes when people insult Fallout 3? Sure I do. But I get over it when I remember how much I personally love it. Let them hate it all they want, it doesn't change how I feel, and it shouldn't change how you feel.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:12 pm

You don't see fans of the series hating on Fallout: BoS

Yes..yes you do.
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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:09 am

Yes..yes you do.

That game is just generally considered bad. There isn't hate for it, it's universally considered a bad game and shouldn't be taken seriously. But unlike that game, people hate Fallout 3 with a fiery passion.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:17 am

That game is just generally considered bad. There isn't hate for it, it's universally considered a bad game and shouldn't be taken seriously. But unlike that game, people hate Fallout 3 with a fiery passion.

what bother me is the old fan saying fallout 3 is not canon just because of the hate.
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:07 am

what bother me is the old fan saying fallout 3 is not canon just because of the hate.

So what? It obviously is. Bethesda, as the owner of the Fallout license, determines what is and isn't canon, so Fallout 3 will be canon until either they say it isn't or someone else buys the license and says it isn't. If bitter original Fallout fans don't want to consider it canon then fine, let them, it isn't harming you or your opinion in any way.
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Philip Rua
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:35 pm

it is the same for other games. some hate OB but like MW. F3 is my first one. and the reason why i got it because many who played OB liked it. i liked MW, OB, and F3. but some don't like all three. there isn't any accounting for taste.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:54 am

The oblivion versus morrowind debate doesnt really apply to this...Oblivion had many many flaws in it...which is what brang the hate....then the morrowind loves gotta hold of it.

Fallout 3 wasnt a bad game i enjoyed it (even though its not my style) same as I enjoyed the orginal fallout a few years back when I got it. Its jut hte new thing....different from the orginals, so the old gamers of the series dont like it. I agree, it isnt like the old game, thats what bethesda does, they dont make the same game with new content, they try and make a game series 'new' each time (which soemtimes fails).

In summary:
Some people hate Fallout 3 cause its not enough like Fallout 1 & 2.

Personally I thin kit is a great game.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:57 pm

But Fallout "3" really isn't that much of a Fallout game.

I've heard this statement before and it just baffles me. I'm halfway through Fallout 1 now, and I've read quite a bit of background and lore of the Falloutverse on The Vault, and it beats me how anyone can think that Fallout 3 isn't a Fallout-game. It is a rpg, it has humor, it has the background and lore, it has the weapons, the items, the armor, the references, the style, and most importantly: the atmosphere and feel. Actually, I think it has even more atmosphere than Fallout 1. The isometric view makes me feel very distant from it all, but the FP-view in Fallout 3 makes me feel really close to it all, and it makes it much more immersive for me. Also being able to actually walk through the entire world instead of just being a moving dot on an overworld map also makes it more immersive.

I think this has to do with the "Hate-Newest-Game"-syndrome. It seems that many fans of a game-series seem to hate the newest game in the series on general principles. And I'm not talking about constructive criticism - that is a good thing. But to go from that to "It's not even a Fallout-game" is quite bizarre.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:39 am

"I'm looking for my father, middle-aged guy, have you seen him?"

that summarizes the story

"point gun, click button; VATS!"

killed a Super Mutant with Minigun, at level 2 using a 10MM (first playthrough)
that summarizes the combat

"generic, bland copy/paste environment/NO ROOFTOPS!"

that summarizes the environment

generic characters
generic dialogs
generic game-play, suitable for console-players
inability to shoot through holes in walls (due to "invisible walls")

I could go on; but I've already summed everything up in my rant, available here somewhere (unless some nice mod deleted it, due to covering up the truth)

yes. I've modded Fallout 3
yes. I've played through it numerous times
yes I've done this game inside out
no. I don't like it.

not because it's "not Fallout 1/2"; but because what it "is", a wannabe in a league where it has no place
go play STALKER instead. Russian quality

(and no. I don't like Oblivion either; albeit I needed to spend about 2,000 game-hours to figure that one out)

the only Bethesda game, worth of notice in the long run, is and always will be Morrowind

unfortunately I prefer Daggerfall
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keri seymour
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:32 pm

"I'm looking for my father, middle-aged guy, have you seen him?"

that summarizes the story

"point gun, click button; VATS!"

killed a Super Mutant with Minigun, at level 2 using a 10MM (first playthrough)
that summarizes the combat

"generic, bland copy/paste environment/NO ROOFTOPS!"

that summarizes the environment

generic characters
generic dialogs
generic game-play, suitable for console-players
inability to shoot through holes in walls (due to "invisible walls")

I could go on; but I've already summed everything up in my rant, available here somewhere (unless some nice mod deleted it, due to covering up the truth)

yes. I've modded Fallout 3
yes. I've played through it numerous times
yes I've done this game inside out
no. I don't like it.

not because it's "not Fallout 1/2"; but because what it "is", a wannabe in a league where it has no place
go play STALKER instead. Russian quality

(and no. I don't like Oblivion either; albeit I needed to spend about 2,000 game-hours to figure that one out)

the only Bethesda game, worth of notice in the long run, is and always will be Morrowind

unfortunately I prefer Daggerfall

Yes but you have your own Pip Boy, how cool is that?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:52 am

Ok, Lord_Santa, I can take Fallout 1, then:

*find water chip, kill a blob of goo*

Summarizes the story

*point, click and let your followers do the fighting in a non-realistic turn-based system*

Summarizes the fighting

*watch your dot move from point A to point B*

Summarizes the exploring

generic characters (sometimes I wasn't sure if a ranger was a ranger or Ian, as they were exact copies)
generic environment (same basic structures over and over again)

So, yeah, that's Fallout 1. Great game, ey?
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:51 am

I've heard this statement before and it just baffles me. I'm halfway through Fallout 1 now, and I've read quite a bit of background and lore of the Falloutverse on The Vault, and it beats me how anyone can think that Fallout 3 isn't a Fallout-game. It is a rpg, it has humor, it has the background and lore, it has the weapons, the items, the armor, the references, the style, and most importantly: the atmosphere and feel. Actually, I think it has even more atmosphere than Fallout 1. The isometric view makes me feel very distant from it all, but the FP-view in Fallout 3 makes me feel really close to it all, and it makes it much more immersive for me. Also being able to actually walk through the entire world instead of just being a moving dot on an overworld map also makes it more immersive.

I think this has to do with the "Hate-Newest-Game"-syndrome. It seems that many fans of a game-series seem to hate the newest game in the series on general principles. And I'm not talking about constructive criticism - that is a good thing. But to go from that to "It's not even a Fallout-game" is quite bizarre.

I'm not an original fan, and I love Fallout 3. But I can recognize how much it differs from the originals. It's an RPG, but it's not the kind of RPG the first games were. It has humor, but it doesn't have the kind of humor the first games had. It's a good copy of the original games, but it's not the same. Again, I'll say that I love Fallout 3. But besides the setting, it just isn't the same as the original Fallouts.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:24 pm

No, it's not the same. But that isn't the same as it not being a Fallout-game. It is a modernized version - and thank heavens for that, as old games are often quite cumbersome seen from today's standard. You should never expect a new game in the series to be a an exact replica of the previous one. But modernizing it and having a different kind of humor from a game made 13 years ago doesn't mean that Fallout 3 "isn't a Fallout-game".
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Jay Baby
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:03 am

No, it's not the same. But that isn't the same as it not being a Fallout-game. It is a modernized version - and thank heavens for that, as old games are often quite cumbersome seen from today's standard. You should never expect a new game in the series to be a an exact replica of the previous one. But modernizing it and having a different kind of humor from a game made 13 years ago doesn't mean that Fallout 3 "isn't a Fallout-game".

I didn't say it isn't a Fallout game, but it isn't the same as previous games. The bitter fans of the original series which spew nothing but hate, hate it because it isn't the same as the originals. They're bitter from the fact that it's different. They wont admit it, instead just saying it's a terrible game, but it seems pretty obvious that's why.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:44 am

You wrote that: "But Fallout "3" really isn't that much of a Fallout game.". But my comment was really meant towards everyone who say that Fallout 3 isn't a Fallout-game. I had actually planned on creating a thread on that topic, then I saw that something similar had already been started.
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:39 am

Everything has hate. Popular things have more hate, but only because a greater number of people have the chance to hate it.
I cannot stand COD:MW(1|2), not out of some ulterior motive, I just don't like the game. I don't understand how anybody could not like FO3, but some don't understand how I can not like GenericShooter53, so everything balances.

You don't have to have a reason to hate something. You might just not like the game.
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:03 am

I do like FO3 in its own way. Comparing the graphix/platform with a game from ten years back is almost impossible. Of course there are changes over the years.
However I find FO3 was produced for a mainstraim audience and a bit overhyped.

Here is what I don't like about FO3 if I compare it with the originals: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1073328&st=60
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:08 am

Well, I've been playing Fallout since it was Wasteland so my opinion matters more. j/k

Seriously, ignore the haters. The things I dislike about FO3 have to do with game mechanics. That being said, I love it. What they did with the environment is phenomenal. It's not the greatest shooter and it's not the greatest RPG but it's a wonderful world to explore. It has a depth that it's predecessors couldn't touch due to the limitations of an iso view. I think it did a much better job of bringing the retro futuristic theme to the forefront. I've wanted to explore this world in the first person since Fallout.

Canon? Read the Fallout Bible. FO2 missed the mark too. Tactics also. Didn't play BOS cuz I don't touch consoles (now there's something worth hating). When it comes right down to it, the only thing that IS canon is Fallout.

Tabris and Santa both gave valid summaries. But neither one has any depth. It doesn't mean it's not there. The originals had their problems but those who liked them more accept / overlook them. I've played them all. I love them all. And I can't wait to see what Obsidian does with New Vegas.
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:50 am

Tactics was just a combat simulation. Of course it missed it's mark! Although quite fun to play.

There was a lot of discussion if FO2 was a successor to FO1. It has imo coz most fans consider FO2 as a part of the family. FO3 however... Hmmm...

But then again if you like FO3, just play the game and enjoy! FO3 has its moments too!

Indeed like stated above:"What they did with the environment is phenomenal"
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:01 pm

There is also a big difference between older gamers and younger ones! The older gamers, now mostly advlts tend to be a bit more critical. Which is normal, i suppose...
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:55 am

fallout 3 had a svcky story i know.

I think Obsidian will fix this part with New Vegas.

The haters will still hate tho :)
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