That said, whatever the Legion has been working.
This, so many times this.
I hate it when people diss on Legion and ignore what they're doing.
If the player don't intervene then Kimball is assasinated, the monorail gets blown up and Legion doesn't exactly "need" the Courier's help, NCR does.
So what have they done?
Captured Nelson.
Set off a radiaton bomb at Searchlight.
Killed like 50 to 100 NCR at Forlorn Hope (look at the graves.)
Set up mines around dying NCR inbetween Nelson and Forlorn Hope.
Allied themselves with Gomerrah and Great Khans.
Gomerrah sets off an attack on The Strip when Legion attacks.
They captured Benny, who most likely would have fled if The Courier had died and House couldn't use him/her.
They've cut down on NCR's trading routes.
They raid NCR caravans.
They crucify hostiles in order to bring down morale in NCR. (which is working by the way.)
Alexis captured a NCR patrol as well.
Those who are anti-Legion bias can keep ranting on about how
inferior Legion is with their machetes and football gear all you want but you cannot ignore the events that has happened and will continue happening if The Courier doesn't intervene.
However "inferior" Legion is in your eyes: whatever Legion is doing, it's working.