And I'm getting so aggravated that I'm starting to play on servers with higher pings because when I have a lower ping and everyone else has a higher ping avoiding shots , using cover and hiding behind objects/buildings becomes completely useless!!
The person with the high ping still see's me else where on his PC, when in fact i'm actually completely safe.
And thus end up dying.
Another situation is where You have a lower ping than someone and You run into them and empty bullets, upon bullets, upon bullets at them and then they kill you in just a few shots;in often times what feels like a split second; and then on the kill cam it shows them Shooting you MORE than you actually saw and that all your bullets didn't hit them at all/or weren't even there.
This happens to no end.
Honestly, even if there comes a way to get rid of cheaters easier and for good;ban; then we are just going to be left with a game that if not for you, someone else in the match is completely pissed off because of they are in one of the above 2 or even more situations.
I haven't played a game that had lag this bad since Metal Gear Online.
Both are really great unique games. But are both nearly ruined because of poor netcode issues.
I have 15Mbit Internet with actual download speeds over 1.7MB p/s