I used Two World 2 sarcastically - I meant that there are no quality titles like Oblivion. I too disliked Two Worlds 2, but I admired its ambition. Also, you assume that changing the formula is dumbing down. Why? Take a look at the FPS genre. Halo introduced the regeneration and two-weapons -only. It seems like giving the player less to worry about, yet this decision really moved the genre forward (No, I do not want TES or any RPGs to be ANYTHING like shooters). And I too want it to be full of lore and replayability. That is the essence of an RPG, not stats. I juts think that the modern hardware can help us move beyond simple numbers - they were there becuase there was no alternative. I think the best example is how the series handles skills - you do them to level them up. That is the sort of control and RPGing that I want,
Ah, I see now what you did with Two Worlds. I am not assuming that changing the formula is dumbing down. From the information we have been given (i.e. no more classes, attributes) we can reasonably say that content is being taken away, whether you want to call it "streamlining" or "dumbing down" is your choice. If Bethesda implements a new system that works well I will be incredibly happy, but at the same time it sets a dangerous trend. At what point will they stop streamlining? I cannot call myself a true elder scrolls fan like many on these forums, I have only played Oblivion. And I have never wanted another game as much as I want Skyrim. In my opinion, many of the things that have been taken away probably won't take away from the game at all. For example, I don't mind the merging of the cuirass and greaves, especially since it looks like we will be able to customize armor with the smithing skill. Even without smithing, I really won't be dissapointed. There were many times in Oblivion where I only had the cuirass, or only the greaves, and my armour was mis-matched. Sure, it was kind of fun looking for the last armor piece, but taking that away won't be a huge blow to the game or anything.
I am not worried about Skyrim, I think it will be an incredible game. What I AM worried about, however, is the trend. If Bethesda keeps on wanting to make its game more accessible to casual gamers, will the effect really be desirable? What about the more hardcoe gamers that have followed TES since before Morrowind?
Stats are there because they show how your character has gotten better at a certain skill, what alternative is there?