OP is why RPG fans can't have nice things.
Fans of those scary stats and classes used to have our games, and you had yours. They're called action games. You're getting your action all over my RPG.
It seems pretty clear what you want is an ACTION game. There are plenty of games that claim to be RPGs that can help you there. RPGs, or at very least, if your definition of RPGs is looser, TES games, have always been about building your character through their stats. That's not to say Skyrim actually IS removing this to any unreasonable degree (in most cases), in my opinion, but it is still one of the basic elements of RPG gaming, and if you don't like that, then obviously, this is not the type of game you're looking for, and maybe you should try one of the games that fits closer into the category of "action".
and it seems to me whjat everyone on this forum wants is to go play dungeons and dragons. If you all want a real Roleplaying experience where you are constantly chugging poptions, looking for gear that gives you the +1 dex or strength and you don't care about the gameplay; go play D&D or DDO even (its free ya know). Honestly I love ksyrims new direction and am a BIG rpg fan. The point is if all an RPG is from here till the end of time is a bunch of stats, then we will never have games like fable (one of course) where the real fun is the excellent gameplay in an rpg setting.
Believe me I was mad when Mass Effect 2 dropped like 10 of the old options you could level up, however I DO have to admit they improved the gameplay alot to help make up for it (still seemed kinda empty though)
I think what we need to look for here is a delicate balance, ME2 dropped almost of the skills which brought fun in leveling up, and they made the gameplay slightly better, however I on't think it was enough for me t say it was worth it. From what I have seen of skyrim the game is still Primarily rpg, but has had the gameplay drastically improved since OB.
People are also making a big deal about customization of their character, and the whole 'the armor might be jumpsuit like fallout' thing. I don't like the diea either but honestly if the gameplay is good, if they have a nice loot system, 100+dungeons a radiant story and some badass legendary items I think it would be one of those things i consider 'worth it'
People really need to stop focusing so much about whats been taken out and focus on the REASONS why it was taken out, and what has been added in return.