Why is the release date 11/11/11?

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:45 am

Who can forget 11/11/11? It's even compatible with the different date formats of dd/mm/yy and mm/dd/yy.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:14 am

It's probably on 11/11/11 because the original estimated release date was 09/11/11 and they thought "You know what, if we wait two more days it'll be 11/11/11. It may help a little with marketing because it's memorable, partly due to the fact that 11/11/11 only occurs once every hundred years".

Or something along those lines.

You should pay more attention in science class and maybe read a few science fiction novels while you're at it. In order for carbon based lifeforms (that's us, btw) to be able to live certain conditions must first be met. I won't mention most of it, as it would probably go right over your head, but the day/night cycle is important and needs to be similar to Earth's (otherwise plants get too much sunlight or too little and die off, and no oxygen is produced, and all higher lifeforms die). The length of the year would be comparable to ours, but would naturally have some variation.And so on.

Wow... Just wow.

It's true that for life as we know it (carbon-based) to exist, a planet has to meet certain requirements, otherwise known as a 'Goldilocks' planet. A Goldilocks planet needs to be the right distance from its sun to ensure that the majority of water on its surface is liquid. It doesn't matter how long or short the day/night cycle is as long as the planet is the correct distance away in relation to the luminosity of the star, in other words, the more radiation/light the star gives out, the further away the planet needs to be to sustain life.

Life evolves to suit its surroundings. You shouldn't assume that what we class as plants are the same throughout the universe.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:35 am

Its so easy to remember that even the brain-dead hordes that frequent the forums will not make threads titled "Is there a release date?" Good marketing....

Also, the guy above me is right. Think of how there are life forms on the bottom of the ocean that don't even see night, day, or sunlight. Inform them they aren't being proper carbon based organisms. Plus much (and I think I heard most) of the world's oxygen is from plankton.
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 9:39 am

Yes, right over your head. You missed the point.

And until you mentioned the range I wasn't sure exactly of the range, it's a lot closer than I originally thought (I erred far on the side of caution).

I mentioned the length of the year hadn't I? Okay, since you probably don't know this the length of the year is how long it takes a planet to make one complete revolution around the sun (or whatever is at the heart of it's solar system), which in turn is determined by the velocity of said planet (or speed for your convenience).

Since there is yet to have been any life discovered on any other planet than you can't really say that rotational speed isn't a necessity (nor can I say that is I'll admit and apologize).

But I will say that we don't know quite what make evolution works yet, so neither can you say that plants and animals would have been able to adapt and survive with a different set of circumstances. I'm just grateful that circumstances are what they are.

um, weren't you saying that Tamriel should have the same year lengths as Earth? with a planet at a far reach of the goldilocks zone the length would be very different.

and whats your reason that both Tamriel and Earth should have the same revolution velocity? that's what i meant by "you said nothing about..." you don't have any evidence to back up your logic.
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:22 am

Tamriel (or rather Nirn) is not a planet that revolves around a sun. The only reason it has months similar to ours is because its easy for us to remember and identify with. Having a totally different calendar would just needlessly confuse things. That and Arena wasn't exactly the most innovative universe ever.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:55 am

Is it the time of an important event in Cyrodiil?

There are two things wrong with this statement.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 9:16 am

11 11 11

I think that's pretty obvious - those are dragon clawmarks. :)
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:14 pm

There are two things wrong with this statement.

There is at least one thing wrong with this statement. For one, the thing you quoted was not a statement.
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Ashley Hill
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:35 am

Tamriel (or rather Nirn) is not a planet that revolves around a sun. The only reason it has months similar to ours is because its easy for us to remember and identify with. Having a totally different calendar would just needlessly confuse things. That and Arena wasn't exactly the most innovative universe ever.

Yeah i learned that after the fact. this "Redwall" guy just had to go and try to belittle my intelligence, so i had to put him in his place.
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:50 am

um, weren't you saying that Tamriel should have the same year lengths as Earth? with a planet at a far reach of the goldilocks zone the length would be very different.

and whats your reason that both Tamriel and Earth should have the same revolution velocity? that's what i meant by "you said nothing about..." you don't have any evidence to back up your logic.

The fact they have the same length day length and year length perhaps? It's called deductive reasoning.

Tamriel (or rather Nirn) is not a planet that revolves around a sun.

That point has already been made but I'd like to point out that it's a creation myth that stats Nirn floats around in Oblivion around some sort of tear. It's not something that's known for sure so the truth may (most likely) be something different.

Wow... Just wow.

Not only were you a dike but you were also completely wrong. It's true that for life as we know it (carbon-based) to exist, a planet has to meet certain requirements, otherwise known as a 'Goldilocks' planet. A Goldilocks planet needs to be the right distance from its sun to ensure that the majority of water on its surface is liquid. It doesn't matter how long or short the day/night cycle is as long as the planet is the correct distance away in relation to the luminosity of the star, in other words, the more radiation/light the star gives out, the further away the planet needs to be to sustain life.
Okay, I'll speak slowly for your behalf. If a day too long, sea boil away, plants catch on fire, air burn away. All die. Day too short, plant no get enough light. Plants die. Animals die.

Life evolves to suit its surroundings. You shouldn't assume that what we class as plants are the same throughout the universe.
First off we don't know enough about evolution to be able to say that. For all we know slightly different conditions (from the start mind you) could have made life next to impossible here on Earth. And yes, we can make that assumption. That's why we call the Universal Laws, because they are universal. If it works here, it'll work on the other side of the universe. If it didn't work there it wouldn't work here. That simple.
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carley moss
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:49 am

First off we don't know enough about evolution to be able to say that.

Please, just stop. You sound like a belligerent fool.
We most certainly DO know enough about evolution to say that life evolves to suit its surroundings. THAT IS THE BASIS OF THE ENTIRE THEORY OF EVOLUTION.

By the way, to accentuate how completely wrong your position is, did you know that the Earth's rotation rate isn't constant? We haven't always had a 24 hour day; the length of a rotation has been getting longer and longer over time thanks to the moon's gravitational influence.
At the time of the moon's formation, a day was only a couple of hours.
(If you're interested in specifics of this and how it's known, I'll try to find the source for you.)
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:21 am

Please, just stop. You sound like a belligerent fool.

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Helen Quill
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:34 pm

11 11 11

I think that's pretty obvious - those are dragon clawmarks. :)

This, and simply the neatness of it.
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:16 am

Okay, I'll speak slowly for your behalf. If a day too long, sea boil away, plants catch on fire, air burn away. All die. Day too short, plant no get enough light. Plants die. Animals die.

No, please listen. That is what would happen if a planet were too close to a star, it has nothing to do with the length of day whatsoever. You are completely wrong, and yet you're taking a patronising tone with everyone else - I think it is you who didn't listen in science class - either that or your teacher was a buffoon.

ETA: because I can't just leave it at that: please don't tell me that you're unaware that towards the north and south poles the sun barely sets during the summer and barely rises during the winter, leading to very long days for part of the year and very short days for other parts? I can go just a few hundred miles north of where I live in summer and watch the sun go down towards the horizon and then come back up again without even disappearing over the horizon, if I went in winter the sun would barely rise. The seas aren't boiling away in summer as a result. Thank goodness.
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:15 am

Easily remembered also.

(Not to mention my birthday is 11/8 so this is going to be a great birthday present!)
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:43 am

Okay, I'll speak slowly for your behalf. If a day too long, sea boil away, plants catch on fire, air burn away. All die. Day too short, plant no get enough light. Plants die. Animals die.

Seriously? You need to stop being so condescending and listen to everyone who is speaking sense.

You're assuming all life is like life on Earth. You need to learn what a Goldilocks planet is.

If a planet recieves too much radiation, it cannot sustain enough liquid water, and thus cannot sustain carbon-based life. Example: Venus.

If a planet recieves too little radiation, it cannot sustain enough liquid water, and thus cannot sustain carbon-based life. Example: Mars.

That's all there is too it. It doesn't matter how long it takes a planet to rotate once, as long as it recieves the right amount of radiation, life will evolve to suit it.
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:05 am

No, please listen. That is what would happen if a planet were too close to a star, it has nothing to do with the length of day whatsoever. You are completely wrong, and yet you're taking a patronising tone with everyone else - I think it is you who didn't listen in science class - either that or your teacher was a buffoon.

ETA: because I can't just leave it at that: please don't tell me that you're unaware that towards the north and south poles the sun barely sets during the summer and barely rises during the winter, leading to very long days for part of the year and very short days for other parts? I can go just a few hundred miles north of where I live in summer and watch the sun go down towards the horizon and then come back up again without even disappearing over the horizon, if I went in winter the sun would barely rise. The seas aren't boiling away in summer as a result. Thank goodness.

Thanks... i think you finally defeated him.

EDIT: not saying he wasn't mentally defeated before, but he can't even grasp at straws anymore
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:12 am

Why wouldn't i t be 11.11.11. Now theres a question.
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:32 pm

You're assuming all life is like life on Earth. You need to learn what a Goldilocks planet is.

It's called deductive reasoning. First eliminate the impossible and all that jazz. If it works here on one side of the universe it'll work even on the far side of the universe, that is why they are called Universal Laws. I can't speak of other universes, but it's reasonable to assume that if a form of life works here than (weather life was designed or evolved) than you can expect to see it where ever else life arises.

With me so far? Good.

If a planet recieves too much radiation, it cannot sustain enough liquid water, and thus cannot sustain carbon-based life. Example: Venus.
If a planet's rotation on it's axis is too long it get's too much radiation during the day, most likely not enough during the night (even if the moon reflects a fraction of the radiation).

With me so far? Good.

f a planet recieves too little radiation, it cannot sustain enough liquid water, and thus cannot sustain carbon-based life. Example: Mars.
If a planet's rotation on it's axis is to fast than the surface is getting too little radiation all around.

With me so far? Good.

On a planet (say) with a tidally locked rotation (meaning one side is always facing the sun, much like how one side of the moon is always facing Earth) Than the only place life could theoretically survive is where day and night meets. Though even then it would be a challenge.

With me so far? Good.

That's all there is too it. It doesn't matter how long it takes a planet to rotate once, as long as it recieves the right amount of radiation, life will evolve to suit it.
Can return this to the original point? I'm getting bored with ya'll.

The reason why it's 11-11-11? It's right in time for the holidays, that's why.
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:40 am

Okay, I'll speak slowly for your behalf. If a day too long, sea boil away, plants catch on fire, air burn away. All die. Day too short, plant no get enough light. Plants die. Animals die.

Your second sentence is missing a lot of s's for a genius. I'll be pretentious and speak slowly on your behalf. The length of the day varies depending on whether it's summer or winter, despite this I don't see "plants catch on fire", "air burn away" and "all die" in the summer.
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:18 pm

Your second sentence is missing a lot of s's for a genius. I'll be pretentious and speak slowly on your behalf. The length of the day varies depending on whether it's summer or winter, despite this I don't see "plants catch on fire", "air burn away" and "all die" in the summer.

He's the worst kind of idiot: The sort that not only fails to see how stupid they are, but actually takes pride in it.

This is a terribly rude and unconstructive post, but... all of his have been the same, so I can't feel too bad about it.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:55 am

This is a terribly rude and unconstructive post, but... all of his have been the same, so I can't feel too bad about it.

I felt the same way. Lets stop picking on him now though. He stopped being a dike.
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Lil Miss
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:41 am

Because it matches with the year.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:23 am

You should pay more attention in science class and maybe read a few science fiction novels while you're at it. In order for carbon based lifeforms (that's us, btw) to be able to live certain conditions must first be met. I won't mention most of it, as it would probably go right over your head, but the day/night cycle is important and needs to be similar to Earth's (otherwise plants get too much sunlight or too little and die off, and no oxygen is produced, and all higher lifeforms die). The length of the year would be comparable to ours, but would naturally have some variation.

Most of this has already been deconstructed, but I'd just like to add that nowhere in this post do you explain why the length of a year would have to be the same as ours in order for living beings to survive and propagate. And it was this orbital period curiosity that Liu Bei seemed most 'disappointed' about.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:50 pm

Because it's 6 of the same digits in the row. The game is actually completely finished and printed onto discs right now, they just like the date and wanna make us wait longer, obviously.

OR maybe they figured it's because the game was already due to be finished in November so they decided to make it a memorable date.
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