You're assuming all life is like life on Earth. You need to learn what a Goldilocks planet is.
It's called deductive reasoning. First eliminate the impossible and all that jazz. If it works here on one side of the universe it'll work even on the far side of the universe, that is why they are called Universal Laws. I can't speak of other universes, but it's reasonable to assume that if a form of life works here than (weather life was designed or evolved) than you can expect to see it where ever else life arises.
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If a planet recieves too much radiation, it cannot sustain enough liquid water, and thus cannot sustain carbon-based life. Example: Venus.
If a planet's rotation on it's axis is too long it get's too much radiation during the day, most likely not enough during the night (even if the moon reflects a fraction of the radiation).
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f a planet recieves too little radiation, it cannot sustain enough liquid water, and thus cannot sustain carbon-based life. Example: Mars.
If a planet's rotation on it's axis is to fast than the surface is getting too little radiation all around.
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On a planet (say) with a tidally locked rotation (meaning one side is always facing the sun, much like how one side of the moon is always facing Earth) Than the only place life could theoretically survive is where day and night meets. Though even then it would be a challenge.
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That's all there is too it. It doesn't matter how long it takes a planet to rotate once, as long as it recieves the right amount of radiation, life will evolve to suit it.
Can return this to the original point? I'm getting bored with ya'll.
The reason why it's 11-11-11? It's right in time for the holidays, that's why.