My thoughts about magic system:
1) Bring back Mysticism and put Enchanting into it.
2) For the sake of argument, think of Destruction as Elemental magic instead.
Mysticism - Deals with the very substance of magic itself, and "unnatural magic":
Absorb, reflect, drains (from destruction now called elemental), and dispel magic. Sense life and magical properties (like if enemy sword is enchanted you can see it), item recharging, binding souls, enchanting limited and constant effects. Elemental shields. Mark, recall, and intervention spells. Suddenly mysticism isn't all so empty anymore, but the mother of them all, like it should be. Note that the classes Battlemage, Mage, Sorcerer, Witchhunter, has mysticism listed as a major skill, so it's nothing that should be easily ignored imho.
Alteration - Deals with altering physical properties of physical non living things:
Open locks, lock (new), telekinesis (moved *from* Mysticism

), feather (on your physical items to make them lighter), water breathing and walking (by manipulating what water is), burden, disintegrating weapons and armor (since they are physical objects), and normal (non elemental) shield (redefine the damage value of a physical weapon). Glow (new) will cause some object in the world (even a bring on the wall) to glow with light. You can cast it on your own equipment causing it to glow, but will nullify any Chameleon or Invisibility effects.
Restoration - Deals with altering stats and skills of living tissue:
Absorb (minus magicka, covered by mysticism, since that is the very essence of magic), fortify, restore, and resist. Night vision (from illusions night eye), animal eye (new), and heat vision (new), are all effects that deals with your own living tissue, so it is put here.
Conjuration - Deals with the occult; daedra, summoning, and the undead:
Probably doesn't need much explanation, but I think Bound should be covered by something else than conjuration. Maybe last a lot longer, but covered by rune stones and scrolls only? Summoned creatures should last a lot longer to compensate, but should no longer rely on the casters knowledge about you, as the system is already faulty.
Illusion - Deals with affecting other living things, influence them etc:
This is probably the "looser" wrt have the weakest observable powers, but probably the "winner" wrt having the most significant hit on gameplay. A good illusionist may never have to use a weapon. Paralyze has how longer effect, and resistance to has much higher effects
Elemental (rather than destruction) - Deals with the ability to manipulate the elements:
With so much moved from destruction, you might find destruction very low yield. But instead we add some new features to it. Shapes:
* Touch - Novice - not really a shape, but the most basics of applications. You're able to channelize the element through your body only at this point.
* Ball - Apprentice - where you throw a ball of some effect towards a target, and is destroyed when it hits something.
* Area - Journeyman - similar to ball, but also affects a certain (limited) radius. It also lasts until impact.
* Line - Expert - where you put down a line of effect towards where you point. Height determined by skill. Enemies may attempt to jump over it.
* Ring - Master - where a ring of effect expands outwards from you, growing in height as it consumes the elements of the area.
Where elements are the five elements of Fire, Frost, Water, Earth, and Shock. So there is still a lot of fun possibilities with Elemental (Destruction) based magic.
Cure disease doesn't belong in magic, that is potion only (as medicine) or by divine forces.
Drain (from destruction) doesn't belong in magic, only as poisons.
Alchemy skill renamed to Herbalism to avoid confusion. Alchemy is often misunderstood as "magic", where it in fact is a lore based on natural medicine which in the game has been listed under Intelligence as a governing attribute. Which *does* make sense even if it's not magic. Keep in mind that Intelligence did not affect the result. If there was a Nature/Survivalist specialization, I'd put it there. If there was a Social/Lore specialization, I'd put it there. For now, I'd put it into Stealth, due to it's poisons.
"Herbalism is a traditional medicinal or folk medicine practice based on the use of plants and plant extracts. Herbalism is also known as botanical medicine, medical herbalism, herbal medicine, herbology, and phytotherapy. The scope of herbal medicine is sometimes extended to include fungal and bee products, as well as minerals, shells and certain animal parts."
"Alchemy, originally derived from the Ancient Greek word khemia (Χημ?α) meaning "art of transmuting metals", later arabicized as Arabic word al-kimia (????????, ALA-LC: al-kīmiyā’), is both a philosophy and an ancient practice focused on the attempt to change base metals into gold, investigating the preparation of the "elixir of longevity", and achieving ultimate wisdom, involving the improvement of the alchemist as well as the making of several substances described as possessing unusual properties."
Which one fits better with what you do and what you achieve (if we take away reflect damage, reflect spell, light, and feather, but night vision and similar "effects on body" is allowed)?
So, I *really* don't think of alchemy as any kind of "magic", as it deals with natural substance rather than magical substance. The effects which appear in the magic list could well have appeared in a natural list. But the effects I want removed, does not fit well into the natural category.
That's just how *I* look at things. Anyone can make their own opinion and prove it "right", weather it fits the lore or not. But removing mysticism completely is outrageous. There are spells that fits better into mysticism than where they are currently located. Maybe we'll understand better once we see the complete skill and perk lists, but if we have to wait until release, then it's obviously too late. but, what can we do in this third era of removal?