Why theif?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:53 pm

"Rogue" would work better as a term for generally stealthy possibly criminal character, or they could could just not bother categorizing skills anymore which would be my preference.

Socialist would be even better, except it just sounds horrible and even political loaded. By socialist I mean "one that interacts with others". A thief, assasin, rogue, and bard all belong under this umbrella term. Even a hunter if it's heavily based on stealth and barter (to get good prices for the prey). Also people seem to think of a "thief" only in the sense of a "petty thief". Try to think in broader terms (even if gameplay lacks)... Who was Kevin Mitnick? He was a hacker, and lets assume for the sake of argument that he "hacked as a thief". How did he do it? By incredible hacking skills? Nope, by social engineering/manipulation - *social*.

Isn't fraud also theft? Isn't that also based on heavy manipulation of the target? Again, *social* being the key word.
Note the rightmost paragraph and note how many requires "involving with the target".

Hustling and scamming also shines wrt "involving with the target", "being social".

Look at the skills we know are there / have been there: Sneak, Pickpocket, Back Stabbing (Daggerfall), Streetsmart, Speechcraft, Barter/Mercantile etc. They all fits nicely under "Social" if used as an umbrella term hosting also thievery, robbery, and burglary. Thief as a birthsign is ok in my book, but "Stealth" as a category just sounds *off*. then again, "Social" just sounds lame :P

Lockpicking fits as it is a skill required by many of the "Social" based classes. Alchemy too actually, since we're doing the most basic of alchemy. Not looking for a "where does alchemy go" fight, it's just how I look at things. Lockpicking would fit between The Thief and The Warrior, and Alchemy would fit between The Thief and The Mage. Then again, the categorization into these archclasses doesn't really matter at all anymore.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:35 pm

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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:00 pm


By that logic, Lawyer.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:39 pm

Having a few mansions in every town that are heavily patrolled by guards is a great idea. It would force you to really study the patrols and try to find multiple points of entry. Also, it'd be nice if climbing through a window were a viable option, like if you could go around and check windows to see if they were locked or not, but that's just mainly for regular houses and stuff, no way should a mansion that was heavily guarded ever just leave a window open.

Creating distractions would be really fun too, to take a little something from Assassin's Creed. Say if you wanted to hire a few beggars to harass the patrolling guards and run away to get them out of the way for a few minutes.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:26 pm

Or theiving could be better if things actually had a cost, I am pretty sure a pot sells fro more than 0, and that a Short Sword, is more than 3.

Realistic pricing could maybe make theiving a better ocupation.
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Ria dell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:01 pm

Not everyone born under the Steed is a horse.

First off, that made my night and I had strippers planned.

Now as to why stealth classes are deemed thieves mostly.
To my knowledge they're not, all use theft in various ways, some especially in Morrowind seemed to share the exact skill sets.
Mostly in different placements though.
The biggest reason I can say why it would seem this way is simply the "Thieves guild", it was a big portion of the last two games.
Many characters belonged to it, and jail and guards featured heavily in both games.
Also of all the classes thieves are less likely to actually use combat, hense stealth is a thieves best friend not an assassins.
As you can kill in many ways, but stealing generally requires trickery, subtlety and stealth.

Now for how much you can steal, many places were ripe in Oblivion.
Churches, manor houses, guild halls, castles.
You had armour, drinks, silverware, ingredients, alchemy apperatus, scrolls, gems, books, weapons, jewelry, clothes.
I.E replace magical or potion equipment with DVD's, TV's, CD's, and computer / consoles you have a typical set up of RL.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:56 pm

How about, The Unknown? Doesn't get more stealthy than that, no?
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:21 am

Not everyone born under the Steed is a horse.



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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:39 pm

Personally, my name for the stealthy classes is, "stealth".
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:58 pm

I'm sigging the Steed birthsign bit. Thank you Alois for that. I think we should call it Ninjas, because that is probably the ONE thing that could be worse than calling them all thieves or all assassins.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:56 am

I do agree with the whole "better bonuses for robbing people places" thing but the other stuff is "eh" to me
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:58 pm

Indeed, houses should have more loot that we can plunder, perhaps really useless items that only serve as stuff we can sell to our fence? Such as more jewels in houses and more books that are expensive.

Nah, I think it'd be way too easy to make money, especially since it's too easy already.
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:53 pm

Nah, I think it'd be way too easy to make money, especially since it's too easy already.

Only if you rob stores, no other building has anything worth stealing.
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:09 pm

First, they're not basing any Combat class on thieving: it's a Stealth class.

It's no more wrong than referring to them as Assassins, like somebody suggested, would be. Thieving, like a "certain other" profession, is one of the oldest occupations in existence. As such, it tends to be used as the archetype for stealth and sneakiness. I'd say all the Monks and Pilgrims who are born under the Thief birthsign don't mind the association at all, since it means the same thing: "I get in, do what I'm there for, and get out with nobody ever knowing I was there."

Not everyone born under the Mage birthsign is a Mage.

Not everyone born under the Atronach is an Atronach.

Not everyone born under the Steed is a horse.
haha! Or what if you're a man born under The Lady?
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