As far as i wish to see attributes really well designed, with the MMo trend and Action games trend.
Its more likely that attribute will be scraqed off, and we will have messages like: you reached lvl 10 you gained (again and as ever +2 str,+1 int, +1const, etc. The problem with that kind of approach is the fact that you must have preset classes.
Well, if attributes aren't in, then we won't be getting those messages.
Or perhaps you mean: attributes are in, but they will increase passively as you increase your skills. For example, as you use one-handed and two-handed weapons, and increase your one-handed and two-handed weapon skills, your Strength attribute will automatically increase. If this is what you have in mind, then I'm not sure why you think that characters will get exactly the same attribute increases at each level. It seems to me like characters could increase different attributes at each level, provided they are increasing different skills. It's also not clear why you think this requires preset classes (if characters had exactly the same attribute increases at each level, then that would seem to require present classes, but since, as I said, we're probably not going to get the same attribute increases at each level, then that reason doesn't apply).
As for those not understanding attributes, how would calculate how much weight you can carry ? Perks ? Class ? lvl ?
How would calculate if your character is smart enought to make this or that question ? Class ? Perk ? lvl?
How much time you can run without tiring with XX kilos or pound on you ? Class ? perks ? lvl ?
How naturally resistant are you to diseases, how fast do you heal compared to others ? Class ? perks ? lvl ?
For those who doesnt understand attributes attributes are the base of skills, skills without attributes are meaningless.
These are all good questions. But as many people have pointed out, and as you have noticed yourself, there are other ways to calculate those things. And one thing to bear in mind is that these are suggestions people have come up with just from thinking about them for a few minutes. Bethesda have had years to think about this. So I'm inclined to give them a chance to see if they can come up with a nice way of handling encumbrance, disease resistance, etc. without attributes.
As for the perk system installed a la Blizzard: 1 perk per lvl its absolutely shamefull and cheezy lazy solution. Its the easy way to have a bad excuse to insert shouts (if shouts are perk), or to make the player advance in armor and weaponry.
Oblivion system was awfull because perks where at "stepping stones" and the in between where meaningless.
So instead of doing them meaning full so you really would have a reason to increase / specialize, strenght and const to warrior for example I, and this is my feeling, think they are going the opposite way. Make a system that will work at knee jerk, ho i passed level i suddenly automaticly without ever having working to it know something new/is able to learn something new at the trainer out of the blues.
What make me say that ?
perks per lvl + Shouts + no armor skill + no word on atributes + stupid perk system on Oblivion....
I'm not sure I completely understand the contrast here. Are you saying that the skills + perks system, where you get to choose a new perk at each level up, makes specialisation and leveling up less rewarding and less meaningful than a system with skills + attributes? To be honest, I don't really see attributes, by themselves, as making specialisation and leveling up more rewarding and meaningful. It seems to me to depend upon how those attributes matter for your character's abilities - being able to carry more stuff, be more disease resistant, and so on. That's what matters for increasing your character's abilities, and that could be achieved without using attributes (or, at least, that's what we might find out).