I don't see what there was to worry about anyhow. So if they remove attributes, so what? They have a system to replace them and we still have magicka, health and stamina. Seeing as how that they said that everytime you level you can choose to increase one of those three, it has pretty much confirmed attributes are removed and their function put somewhere else in the game.
That, or they're taking the GCD approach to leveling them (they raise automatically according to skill use) in the background. This would get rid of the main complaint with the attributes system, which is bonuses (which I just ignored anyway because I play how I want to, and not how the game wants me to).
Just because they're giving us health, magicka, and stamina to level doesn't mean the system is gone.
As for my opinion on attributes, I really hope they're in. Attributes have been the backbone for the Elder Scrolls games since the beginning. As I stated, playing an Elder Scrolls game without them is like playing a Fallout game without S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
All I know is, if they are gone, they better have a damn good system to replace them with, otherwise Skyrim is a definite no buy for me.