Arena and Daggerfall DID have Orcs. They just weren't a playable race until Morrowind.
With your arguments, they should then be relegated to enemies and non-playable? Or is that a good addition?
But spears can't be a good addition?
What constitutes a good addition or a bad addition?
Agreed. If the devs of crappy games such as the Dynasty Warrior series can easily include several different types of weapon animations (including spears and halberds) into their games, I can't see how animations would be a logical excuse for Bethesda to not include spears in Skyrim. For a company as good as Bethesda, animations should be the least of their worries. To those saying spears would be awkward in Skyrim: fighting a heavily armored guy with nothing but leather armor and a puny dagger is also awkward.
Keep in mind they can't do ladders...