I must say, these forums really take the cake in the D-bag dept. Go ahead and flame me, hate me, ban me, whatever. There is a very negative vibe around here and most threads breakdown into sword matches (and yeah, by sword, I am referring to your pencses).
I don't get it. I really don't. I give up. I've tried logic. I've tried humor. I've tried empathy. Everytime, I am called a nub or told I'm new so my opinion isn't valid. Well, F you. This is a cool game but you folks make it sound like a chore. You act tough and mean over the web but if we met face to face, you'd STFU.
It isn't just me, either. I see other folks come on these forums and get treated the same way. I just don't get it. I really don't. It's a game, meant to be fun. It isn't a job. 99.9% of us will never make a dime with our video game skills. It isn't supposed to be the thing you do most in life.
Ok, QQ almost over. My whole point can be summed up by the immortal words of our beloved Rodney King, who unfortunately died, floating face down in his own pool, probably because he was depressed no one would listen to him: CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?!?