Hmmm... Thing is, how much of this is "true" and how much of it is "this is my guess what happened".
As for the money issue, that's probably true, alot of business are "hurting" right now all over the world, it's this thing called the economy which is currently dug into a hole it can't climb out of.
As for "Will Crysis 2 Get Better" .. that all depends on "US", Us being the Crysis 2 players. If we continue to hang in and support the game and do not disappear, then yes.. the game will get better (patched, dx11, bugs fixed, editors), if we disappear and only a handful of player remain, then Crysis 2 just might fade away. No players, hence no need for Crytek to put much effort into fixing this game.
Were they pushed by EA for an early release? Well, that's a possibility, but no one knows that for a fact. It could have been a decision made by both sides. Any smart business person would no releasing a PC game early with major bugs/flaws would not lead to "huge sales". Thing is, game developers/publishers depend on "down the road sales" just as much or more than the "first initial sales". They need the money to continue to trickle in, putting out a horride game would "not accomplish" that.
Are people pissed and disappointed about the "not so ready Crysis 2 game" .. sure they are, but how many of you have been gaming for say, 15 years? If you have, then this is not your first bugged out / glitched up game. Crysis 2 is not anywhere near as buggy as STALKER and STALKER CS when they were first released, and those games still did quite well. I've seen games so buggy you could play single or multiplayer for more than 30 seconds before they locked up, crashed, etc.
As for the "Crysis 2 Players" .. I think as long as Crytek keeps the "hacking" under control, the game won't die and fade away. Games with uncontrollable hackers in it will kill off a game faster than anything else. I believe as long as they get this game patched and release directX 11 soon, this game still has plenty of potential. However, extreme delays in the fixes for people that are having more issues than others, can drive some players away, but once fixed, if a decent gaming community still exists, they will come back.
With that said, as long as the hacking does not get out of hand again... I believe "WE" control Crysis 2's future. So, in my opinion I would say, do you want to see the game go on and have an opportunity to have some good fun games soon? Or, are you so mad and can't find a way to say, ok they messed up, but I will let them fix it and continue to play?
I for one would REALLY like to see the fixes come, the dx11 patch released, and have the opportunity to have full Crysis 2 servers to play on!