» Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:48 am
Can someone explain?
On any f****server!!! This game is such disgrace and is so ridiculous, its beyond stupid!
Because The Crysis 2 Anti-Cheat system is utter crap.
In order to report a cheater, We have to:
*record in game footage of the cheating in action
and then:
*post Server name
*post Server IP ( If possible )
*post player name
*post time/date
and only THEN will they look into it.
Any other game uses either Punkbuster or VAC to detect changes in the game memory addresses, Why Crytek thought that none of these were viable is beyond me.
I've stopped playing MP for now until Crytek pulls their fingers out and provide a REAL solution to these cheaters.
I've seen more than a dozen on EU servers and everytime I decided to go on MP, I stumble into more.