» Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:52 pm
For me it's easy:
The Art style first and foremost. The surreal-outlandish cartoon look of the characters and environments had me in a heart beat. It's the same reason why I fell in love with Team Fortress 2. I was so sick and tired of game developers trying to compete to make the most "Real" looking graphics out there. The only thing they succeeded in doing was giving me a head-ache from the strain they were putting on my eyes.
The Cinematic Trailer. Grit, parkour, Jamaican, Big Guy with Machine Gun, more parkour, parkour, parkour, goon stab bug-eyes, epic stare into the distance, EXECUTION!!!......Awesome!
Finally, and y'all are gonna love this one, I've been desperately wanting a good class-based shooter that involves a rag-tag team of resistance fighters going up against a sophisticated military security force. I dreamed of a game like this ever since I'd played the Half-life series. Only instead of being a theoretical physicist in a super-suit r@ping everything in my path like a furby on cocaine, I wanted a class-based game that had a unique art-style, wealth of weapon and customization options, a dedicated objective system where people would work as a team to accomplish a series of complex objectives to further an integrated campaign experience, and to take on the role of a foot soldier who firmly plants his war-boot up the @$$ of any unfortunate snob that gets in my way.
The company "Splash Damage" began production of the game now known as "Brink" shortly after the conception of my idea.
This is why I wanna play Brink.