Why is this UseWeapon package not working?

Post » Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:51 pm

I'm trying to troubleshoot a bug in the base game where Captain Parker (1ECaptainParker) doesn't successfully kill Keith (1EKeith) when he's supposed to (from vDialogueVegasEast2.)

The sequence is basically - get to required dialogue stage, Parker gets the "CaptainParkerArrestKeith" package which is a dialogue package. The result is him going to Keith's location and starting a dialogue. When this dialogue completes, he gets the "CaptainParkerKillKeith" package, which is a simple always hit/no damage UseWeapon with a corresponding OnHit by Parker - advance quest/die section in Keith's script.

The problem is, despite the UseWeapon package looking completely fine to my inexpert eye, the weapon never fires - Parker takes aim at Keith, but never fires, and will stay in this aiming pose until the player does something that causes the ai to reset (leave the location, save and reload, etc.)

Anyone have any ideas? I've been mulling this one over for a few days and it has me stumped.
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:49 pm

I'm trying to troubleshoot a bug in the base game where Captain Parker (1ECaptainParker) doesn't successfully kill Keith (1EKeith) when he's supposed to (from vDialogueVegasEast2.)

The problem is, despite the UseWeapon package looking completely fine to my inexpert eye, the weapon never fires - Parker takes aim at Keith, but never fires, and will stay in this aiming pose until the player does something that causes the ai to reset (leave the location, save and reload, etc.)

Sounds like a glitch. This does not sound like something which we as modders can take by the horns and make the guts work right for.

But if you wanted to make the scene always work, you could do one of 2 things. You'd either find somewhere in this process to pop in an extra script command (such as a resetai?) which will catch the malfunction (should it happen) and keep the scene moving, or, you'd redesign it and have a quest script basically overlord the process instead of having the elements chain one another (one mob shooting and the next mob depending on that hit to actually land, and such. that's chaining it and its kinda not 100% controlled as you can see).
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Danial Zachery
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:06 am

So what I learned today was that in NV, changing the timescale off the default can break AI packages pretty hard.
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:15 am

So what I learned today was that in NV, changing the timescale off the default can break AI packages pretty hard.

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Lloyd Muldowney
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