Interesting that you brought up cultural differences. Every culture has its own particular set of taboos and 'do-not-do's of life. We Yanks are OK with violence yet an exposed nipble appears and you'd think World War 3 just started. Conversely, in Japan, they'll have their fictional ladies flaunting their parts left, right, and center, gratuitous violence yet they removed 'The Power of Atom' from their edition of Fallout 3. Germany has the 'No Nazis!' thing and, as you've stated, the Chinese have the 'no exposed bones!' thing.
In American culture, we're prude because let's be honest, the first settlers on the land that would become America were Puritans who were all "ERUGH UGH NOOOOO!!" about nudity. It was discouraged to flaunt the goodies in public, it was taught that to do so was sinful, corrupt. Impure. It was this mindset that carried to this day. If Red Dead Redemption had a six scene between Bonnie McFarlane and John Marston, and we saw it in detail, I would imagine there'd be a [censored]stsorm about that. In the same game where you invade a bandit stronghold and destroy everyone with a Gatling gun and can laugh as you shoot bandits off cliffs or hogtie them and put them on the train tracks. Or take games like Saints Row where you can be a vicious psychopath rampaging throughout Stilwater/Steelport raining death and destruction everywhere yet if you make your character completely nvde, the 'crown jewels' are blurred out.
So perhaps there is some level of cultural differences entwined to this debate. What may be just fine for one country/collection of country is a big ass OH HELL NO!! to another country/collection of countries. Some taboos are understandable (ie, the Nazi thing for Germany and any references to atomic bombs for Japan), and others are...well...kind of silly. Like us Americans with our still-ongoing Puritan outlooks on nudity and six.