Why I want more Enclave and why there's no closure with them

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:55 am

Not necessarily, since we know there were other leaders in Broken Steel. "Enclave High Command," whoever makes that up are commanding Enclave forces post-Purifer. Autumn is never mentioned in Broken Steel, so if he escaped, it doesn't appear as if he rejoined the Enclave forces at Adams.

Making him pretty far out of the running for Continuity of Government, and likely deemed a traitor. True succession would pass based on whatever reorganization they did after the purifier battle.

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Farrah Lee
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:49 am

Don't want the Enclave back as a large faction (Though, I'm sure there is a way).
At most I would want a semblance of a neo-Enclave. They wouldn't be "the" Enclave. Rather, some remnants. Too small in numbers to affect any change, or really be a threat to anyone or even consider taking anything over, though still holding to their way of life. They have children, and never truly being in "the" Enclave, those children grow up adopting a bastardized version of Enclave ideology.
Perhaps, one day they grow big. But never as the Enclave.
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:10 pm

As I see it, the Remnants showed that even the last remaining Enclave soldiers are older and retired. Unless there are some grandkids from Chicago that, for whatever reason, wanted their family namesake and the Enclave flag to rise again, I see no point in trying to necro the Enclave.
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rolanda h
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:08 pm

To be fair, Colonel Autumn could be head of Enclave High Command.

He might choose not to assume the office of President.

Just like he didn't assume the office of General of the Armies despite being the objective head of the Enclave Military and a four/five star general equivalent.

Of course, if this is the case then he didn't take the Lone Wanderer's offer of mercy very seriously.

Or he DID and the Brotherhood of Steel committing genocide against all Enclave locations turned things around.

(Lyons was actually kind of a bastard. I did an essay on that)

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:04 am

That doesn't explain how it's magically confirmed that the oil rig is "the whole of the Enclave". It sounds like only the oil rig is being spoken of there. And there's no mention of the faction in what I have been shown here beyond that. It's entirely down to context.

This could also work. And I have to wonder, even if the Enclave are gone (I shall refrain from saying for sure either way), just what happened to that high tech armor and fancy plasma rifles? They must still have outposts/camps out and about with that stuff. Best we got is the x-01 and there's not even a mention of Enclave, despite it looking VERY similar to Enclave armor. Why don't we see legendary raiders with scavenged X-01? And since both Enclave and Brootherhood both use very similar armor anyway I have to ponder if Enclave were once former brootherhood. So in that sense the Enclave have the possibility of being around because the Brootherhood exist, because there's that possibility of happening within them. Likewise the reverse could also be true. Were the two factions ever one? And even though they're split now, can they split amongst themselves again? Maybe not "Enclave again", but perhaps in terms of "We're taking this stuff and splitting from the Brootherhood to be our own power." I imagine if that was the case before it would have weakened both sides drastically due to revolution.

I actually wanted to see more of this in the Enclave. I wanted to see "Good/neutral" Enclave troopers that are conflicted. Maybe even have the Enclave split because of it. And fight each other. Would have loved that.

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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:45 pm

That's because you ignored my post.

Funny you mention the President:

And the context that he is talking about is the entire world, not just the local region, because the Enclave's virus will kill everyone on Earth by their own admission. And yes "Enclave" refers to the Oil Rig, not the organisation (Richardson never once uses the word Enclave to refer to their organisation). So yeah, in context this is the entire Enclave.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:06 am

The Enclave of Fallout 2 being a bunch of tiny isolationist weirdos on an Oil Rig with Power Armor is also kind of the "point." They're not supposed to be objectively more powerful or interesting than the gangsters of New Reno.

Just a bunch of thugs with delusions of grandeur.

Hence why it's horrifying they want to kill the majority of the planet to survive despite condemning humanity to being a bunch of incistuous weirdos.

The Enclave of the Capital Wasteland has a lot more claim to being an actual Empire and it doesn't have much more.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:53 am

I agree that basically they are Tribals, albeit a highly culturally sophisticated and technologically advanced Tribe, but they do have a legitimate claim to be the Federal Government. As far as their decision to leave the survivors of the exchange on the Mainland to fend for themselves, I would put that down as more callousness and selfishness than "cowardice"....all signs point to them not caring about Mainlanders rather than being afraid to do their jobs.

The 2076 Federal Elections were the last held under Pre-War rules. The terms of any House Rep present ran out in 2079, of the President in 2081, and that of the last Senator (any elected in 2076) in 2085. So they had a little over a year to re-write the Election Laws to enable themselves to conduct legal elections with only the people present. We don't know the changes in the Constitution that enabled the changeover to 13 Commonwealths, but it is not a stretch to say that they had people present from all thirteen and could use that to "reconstitute" the respective Commonwealth Governments long enough to amend the Constitution however they wished, basically to enable them to continue under COG protocols and be able to legally conduct new elections and transmit thier offices to a duly elected successor. And as far as the Courts....they could have sworn in a new SCOTUS that would approve anything they did.

So yeah, there is a way they could rightly claim to be the Federal Government.

They had the ability to decide who was a Citizen and got to vote....ironically the 14th Amendment gave them a way to do it. All they had to do was declare anyone outside of an area of Enclave control to be "not under the jurisdiction of the United States" and boom, the Mainlanders are no longer Citizens for any significant purpose. Without a judicial challenge it sticks....and any judges hearing any such case would be Enclave members as well.

In FO2, the Enclave was conducting Elections, so the forms of the Federal Republic were being maintained....Richardson's private notes indicated he recognized that his re-election was never a given and he could be voted out. The only issue they faced was redefining who a US Citizen was, and making the appropriate changes in the window that they had before the terms ran out for the Pre-War members. Once that was done, they could go on indefinitely.

Though as you say, this is moot since the Enclave is effectively destroyed as a organized force.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:53 am

Point taken.

Legally, you could make an argument the United States government continues in technicality.


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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:11 am

He's never mentioned or appears at all in Broken Steel, making it highly unlikely. And it would have been ridiculously easy to put him in.

Convincing him to leave basically equates to making him give up on the Enclave completely. He loses hope in the organization. And thus abandons his post.

So it doesn't seem likely at all that he'd turn around and suddenly take charge of their operations in Broken Steel. Nor that the Enclave would take him back after he just turned tail and ran.

He likely went away and shot himself if he escape or is pissing away his life in some rat-hole tavern or something.

And that's exactly what they did actually. Since Enclave troopers in Fallout 2 mention wastelanders as "illegal aliens."

Well put Tib.

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Ashley Campos
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:47 am

I always found it annoying we never met Enclave High Command.

Presumably, they were shot by the BoS somewhere else on Addam's Airforce base.

Which is a shame.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:55 am

That or some managed to escape in a fleeing vertibird or something. Since there were plenty in the air.

Or they blew up with the Crawler.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:17 am

Or more likely the Lone Wanderer; it was probably just a committee of the remaining officers.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:54 am

In other words you think your beliefs alone are in the right and refuse to even listen to the other side of the fence. At least the others here are open to listening and provide proper counter arguments beyond "I am right and this is fact". We're still attempting to comfirm amongst ourselves what is even fact or not. If you don't contribute to that and do more then state what you believe is fact or not (of which we have a difference on belief on) then we're not going to get anywhere. So yes, you was speaking only for yourself and others that share your belief since things are still being debated on. You're not speaking "For everyone" here. And "majority believed cannon and believed to be cannon" doesn't mean it's fact if there's a lack of evidence or otherwise evidence against it at a later date. Much like how a lot of people once the world was flat.

I always leave room for doubt. As will others I'm sure.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:09 am

While the Chicago Easter Egg is the biggest source of potential Enclave survivors, I wouldn't mind finding an Enclave "Cult" in the Boneyard.

With Obsidian wanting to do a Los Angeles-based Fallout and the fact the Enclave confirmably did have survivors enter into NCR society, it would be cool to have the "snooty Senators and aristocrats" part of the Enclave return over the power-armor soldiers.

They could be working to turn NCR into a Neo-Fascist [censored] hole from behind the scenes.

Which would actually be an AWESOME PLOT.

"Hail Hydra."

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:14 am

In Van Buren the Enclave would have launched a nuke at San Franciso as pay-back for the Oil Rig (presumably a few managed to arm a warhead somewhere and send it flying towards the NCR).

So I really like the idea of small isolated Enclave squads/individuals working to "die with blood on their swords." Kill as many of their enemies as possible before they bite the dust and head to that big COG facility in the sky.

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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:47 pm

The Enclave Remnant in NCR actually is a canonical ending for Fallout 2, isn't it?




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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:02 pm

Actually, I've been reading every past thus far. Though it might have slipped me by. To which post are you referring?

Hard to say. How long was NV after 3? They could be Raven Rock.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:07 am

I think a lot of people seem to forget that the pre war US of the Fallout World isn't our world's US, the Enclave is pretty much in line with the pre war belief system of their US except that they now regard everybody but their small tribe to be non-americans and therefore everybody is expendable.....even then the pre war US is pretty easy going about treating its population as an expendable asset.

I also think that the idea that they loads of bases and a large population doesn't make a lot of sense, if they had the numbers they could simply carve out an area of the US rather than the repeated use of bio-weapons to try to remove the local population. Tech wise if they had the available numbers they could pretty much steamroller any faction in the game, but their limited population base always held them back.

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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:26 am

A rather easy idea to kill, considering it is one that is only ever possible to be possessed by the Enclave itself. The only other people in the Fallout universe that could fit the bill would be vault dwellers. Which so far having only been considered test subjects for their experiments in Fallout 2 or just shot and killed like what we've seen in Fallout 3. There is no one in any wasteland that would logically adopt such ideals because it wouldn't make any sense. An after multiple significant blows to the Enclave time and time again, their continued loss is more than just "losing a king". The entire faction was crippled after the Oil Rig, in shambles after Raven Rock/Jefferson Memorial, and basically wiped out after Adams Air Force Base. At most we know, the only significant part of the faction that is left is a hinted outpost in Chicago. Again, outpost. Not very big, and separated from the main force. Whatever is left are mere remnants who've moved on like in New Vegas or whatever else that is too insignificant to consider a faction anymore.

You were also not recruited at all into the Enclave in Fallout 3. At most, you were personally asked by Eden to poison the water purifier with the FEV (a choice that makes very little sense as to why the Lone Wanderer would ever make anyway) because killing off all mutants is all Eden knows as an AI. That's basically it. The rest of the Enclave under Autumn still remained hostile towards you. Farthest from getting recruited. The only people allowed in the Enclave is the Enclave. And anyone who isn't Enclave, is a mutant to them. That simple. The closest they've ever strayed from these ideals is with Autumn, who died.

Many of your points aren't shedding any new light on the subject, and have all been argued. Or are some weird interpretation of events, such as thinking you were actually recruited in Fallout 3.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:26 am

The one I quoted in the response you just replied too.

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keri seymour
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:04 am

Oh God no. Enough with them.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:57 am

Yeah, Bethesda was smart with Autumn and Eden.

Eden wants to recruit you but his plan is INSANE and Hitlerific.

If Autumn wanted to recruit you, you might join him.

Dead Dad aside.

and that would mean lots of rewrites!

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:03 am

That's pretty much all I want them to be anymore.

The great Oil Rig in Heaven where they drill for rainbows and send them to the Navarro Dream Refinery.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:42 pm

Ahhh, I assumed you meant a previous post before that one. *Puts on his monical* Ok, lessie here.

Hmm... Doesn't really explain much on its own. We're talking about a faction with verts. Inoculations could be transported fairly quickly (soon) in that fashion. Or they could just dump it in the water. I'm sure even Enclave bases have to purify it. Radio other bases to clean the water and then add the inoculation? Consider that the player only knows of Navarro at this point, and so there would be no reason to be told of other locations. He also says Enclave AND Navarro. Why would he say that if it was just Enclave? Curious. I suppose he means the bases on Navarro? Does only Navarro get inoculated right now with everywhere else being as such later instead of soon? Or are other places reached soon as well and just weren't mentioned? Just speculating here. I know the Enclave have the potential/possibility to be large, but even a larger faction has to take precautions. More so after what happens here.

Which also supports the possibility of every Enclave presence being quickly inoculated. Put in the virus first and then the inoculation? Since the rig is at the source it would of course get inoculated first. Other places would have to isolated themselves and use a stockpiled clean water supply on site. Just a theory of course, but is it possible?

I dunno. Brootherhood aren't too far off. Given a little push I imagine they would become at least alike.

Same really. It just feels like they should be noted. Perhaps not rising from the ashes, but noted all the same. A single high tech bunker with some of them in would be good. Kinda like NV with the Brootherhood bunker.

Btw, "Cannon" is open to interpretation and can be changed and not conflict. mass Effect 3 had a "cannon" ending. It got changed. Now should it have been left at that? Honestly, does the answer even matter if it adds to the fun? Anything is possible if you give it the right context. Done well? Can sometimes be tricky to do when there's cannon things, but not impossible. And even if it's "not cannon" comics, films and games can and will split from established lore. Even if that lore shares just comics, games or films. Batman comes to mind. If enclave do come back however, I hope they can keep in the realms of what is possible in the realms of immersion.

And seriously, why are super mutants still around if we took their vats (I think) and master? I'm actually trying to figure that one out. Do mutants have babies?

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